On George Christensen’s medical tourism

Leon Knight writes: Re. “How the Oz would report George Christensen’s medical tourism if he were left-wing” (Wednesday)

Good luck to big George with attempting to control what goes into his mouth, but what about trying to control what comes out of it — do the Malaysians have an op that can force the crap to come out at the right end?

On the Murdoch Clan’s grab for Ten

Keith Binns writes: Re. “Murdochs set to seize control of Ten News” (Wednesday)

 If Murdoch takes over Ten News then Waleed et al will need to find s new station or we will lose the best news coverage on TV. 

On the Gonksi 2.0

Robert Smith writes: Re. “Conski no more — Gonski returns to help Turnbull end ‘funding wars’” (Tuesday)

Will they be able to stay the course & follow this through? Turnbull is about to discover why Gillard promised no school would be worse off & had separate deals with each school system in each state. For a government which has flip-flopped on so many issues we will see if they can hold their nerve on this one in the face of the lobby groups, parents & the Senate.