On the Greens and identity politics

Charlie Chaplin writes:  Re. “Larissa Waters and the Greens’ tedious return to identity politics” (Thursday)

How disappointing. I was really impressed – even excited – by Di Natale’s press club speech. I thought “Finally, here’s a party I just might be able to vote for instead of copping ‘failure to vote’ fines every federal election. I will watch them for awhile and see if this new direction is for real, or if it was just a speed bump on the road to useless, divisive, pretend left liberal, virtue signalling, entitled, meritocracy, professional knowledge class bullshit-dom.”

Looks like I can turn my attention elsewhere. Back to scanning the horizon for the genuine left, yet again.

On Human Services harassing the disabled

Denise Marcos writes:   Human Services harassing Down Syndrome disability support recipients

Here’s another ace idea for the Department of Human Disservices: aged pensioners should regularly be forced to prove they are still over sixty-five. The chances of the elderly discovering the Fountain of Youth are just as likely as someone transcending Down Syndrome.