On the chances of impeaching Donald Trump 

Wayne Robinson writes: Re. “Trump’s chaotic, dangerous behaviour exposes the limits of US democracy” (Wednesday)

All it would take to impeach and remove Trump as president would be for all the Democrats and a rather small minority of the Republicans to vote to do so. Some Republicans might think that they have more chance of holding onto their seats at the next election if Pence was president instead of Trump.

The Democrats probably favour their chances better with Trump as president both at the next congressional election and the 2020 presidential election, so I think Trump is “safe” — despite him being unsafe to everyone else.

On the ABC and local content

Bob Weis writes: Re. “Local content rules not needed for ABC: Michelle Guthrie” (Wednesday)

This argument about local content rules has been going on for a long time with the commercial stations opposing them at every turn. Reading Dalton on the ABC is a laugh. He closed down the Natural History unit, which at the time was one of the most productive and successful parts of the ABC and brought in money from international partners. They were respected around the world.

What is needed is a thorough assessment of all the platforms that make up broad and narrowcasting with a plan that best supports both quality local productions and audiences. Let’s stop pretending that the world hasn’t changed and properly fund our national broadcasters to live up to their charters. And keep Rupert away from all of it.