On immigration bungles

John Richardson writes:  Re. “Arrogant Immigration continues to bungle and stumble” (Friday).

Bernard Keane says the secretary of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Mike Pezzullo, is an “arrogant man”, while his department’s ongoing bungling gives him nothing to be arrogant about. The problem is of course that Pezzullo doesn’t take his cues from his department but from his even more ignorant arrogant twin (and political master), Peter Dutton.

The good news is that when the time comes, they are bound to crash & burn together.

On Julian Assange

Adrian Jackson writes: Re. “Swedish prosecutors dump case against Julian Assange” (Friday)

Swedish prosecutors dropped their dubious charges against Julian Assange, the day after former Private Manning was released from a US gaol. Brave Manning provided the video to Wikileaks of the US Army attack helicopter pilots relentless slaughter of journalists and unarmed civilians in Baghdad. Now UK police say they will arrest Assange for jumping bail for the now dropped charges — ridiculous. UK police knew were Assange has been for the last five years which is hardly jumping bail and disappearing. Assange is an embarrassment to the war mongering political elite but is a true blue Aussie publishing hero. If anyone should be charged it is the murderous US helicopter pilot.