Malcolm Turnbull

It’s over, folks. Andrew Bolt has called time on the Turnbull government, thanks to an indelicate boast by Christopher Pyne that marriage equality was finally on the legislative cards: “Copying Labor’s position on same-sex marriage as well will be the final insult. Pyne’s prediction could detonate an explosion that destroys the party and Turnbull’s leadership,” wrote Bolt in the Herald Sun


But if you think we’ve been here before, you have a better memory than Australia’s most-read columnist. Herewith, all of the times Andrew Bolt has predicted the death of the Turnbull government, since last year’s election. 

June 22, 2017

“I give up. What’s the point of the Liberals when Malcolm Turnbull actually leads another failed Labor Government?

“The Prime Minister has destroyed the Liberals so completely that I now fear even Tony Abbott can’t save them.”


June 15, 2017

“If Liberal MPs don’t sack this Prime Minister soon they can kiss their party goodbye.”

“While Turnbull is there, there’s no point to the Liberal party. The Liberals must get rid of Turnbull or he’ll get rid of them.”

April 24, 2017

“This can’t go on. Either Malcolm Turnbull or Tony Abbott must go, or the Liberals will be smashed”

“So one must go to save the Liberals. But it’s not Abbott.”

March 13, 2017, Herald Sun

“The Liberals’ catastrophic defeat in Western Australia should convince federal Liberals that Malcolm Turnbull really is finished.”

“If the Prime Minister lasts past May, it will be a miracle.”

“When the voters are over you, it really is over. There really is almost no way back.”

February 27, 2017

“Turnbull won’t change.”

“His government will fall.”

February 9, 2017

“Malcolm Turnbull is finished as Prime Minister and must be replaced — but only by a conservative.”

“It is now clear the Liberals must also change leaders again.”

November 14, 2016

“Change or die, Prime Minister, Oops. Sorry. You last week announced you wouldn’t change, didn’t you? Wait, then, for the Trump Revolution to sweep out you as well.”

July 5, 2016

“Tony Abbott must return as leader of the shattered Liberals after Saturday’s election disaster.”

“Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull out, Abbott in — even if journalists still sneer.”

July 3, 2016, Herald Sun

“You have been a disaster. You betrayed Tony Abbott and then led the party to humiliation, stripped of both values and honour.”


“I doubt he’ll last to the next election. Yes, the Coalition has won the election, but by a disastrously small margin that leaves it almost powerless, Turnbull humiliated and the country damned.”

“And, I’m tipping, after a few months — maybe a couple of years — there will be no Turnbull. He will probably be driven off, unloved and unmourned even by the Liberals who so stupidly greeted him as the Messiah just nine months ago.”