On Dutton and the Good Friday shooting on Manus

Joe Black writes: Re.  Dutton telling the truth — at least in part — about Good Friday Manus shooting” (Friday)

“Possible frustration of events…unauthorised access with…”
What chance the words missing in the middle of that sentence make absolutely clear there was nothing untoward about the boy’s access to the facility — say, “…due to false rumours about…”?
Very convenient that those few words (whatever they are) needed to be redacted. Where’s a whistle-blower when you need one?

On Sue Boyce and Australia’s lust for coal

Peter Wileman writes: Re. “Britain and France forge a path on renewables, while Australia drools over coal” (Friday)

To serve just the one term speaks volumes. The frustration of being surrounded by luddites and self servers must have been immense, so we are left with the best government money can buy.

On Matt Canavan and his citizenship

Marion Wilson writes: Re. “Did Canavan’s mum sign him up for Italian citizenship so he could vote for Berlusconi?” (Friday)

Italian law recognises that Mr Canavan’s mother, who was born in Australia, has a right to claim Italian citizenship and apparently she has done so. Mr Canavan was born in Australia also has a right to claim Italian citizenship. Mr Canavan has never made any attempt to discard nor reject his right to Italian citizenship. That he did not consent to, nor was aware, that his mother applied on his behalf to activate his right to dual citizenship is irrelevant. The vital fact is that he did not himself make any attempt to divest himself of his right to Italian citizenship.