You can’t depend on much with the Trump White House, but one thing abideth: whatever has happened by the time you lay your head down to sleep in Australia, will have changed, changed utterly upon waking. There was never any doubt that Donald Trump’s second statement on the Charlottesville neo-Nazi march and lethal car attack, condemning racism and white supremacist hate groups, would not stand. Trump sounded uneasy and tentative saying it; the word “racism” seemed unnatural coming out of his mouth. His father had attended KKK rallies in Queens and Brooklyn before WW II, when the KKK was as focused on Catholics and Jews (in the north) as it was on black people; Trump’s everyday attitude appears to be functional chauvinism: get the Jews in to do the money, the blacks for heavy lifting, and have the gays decorate the hotel rooms. Most likely, he was persuaded, cajoled, yelled at to do it, by his daughter/adviser Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, both conventional New York social liberals (and Kushner is Jewish). His new chief-of-staff John Kelly might also have had a hand in it. The statement was met with some relief from the Republicans, and grudging acknowledgement (it deserved no more) from sections of middle America.
Less than a day later, this brief outbreak of the most minimal decency was rescinded with a new press conference from Trump, rambling, deranged and aggressive as any, saying there was violence on both sides, and “good people on both sides”, and apparently all but characterising the neo-Nazi attacks on the opposition protest as self-defence.
Pure Trump in phrasing and style, but the content is another matter. This notion of “faults on both sides, good people on both sides” is pure Steve Bannon, Breitbart, and white ethno-nationalism. Distinguishing itself from neo-Nazism, it is still determined to maintain a “solidarity of the last instance”, with the most vile expressions of its ideology, and will turn to defend them, rather than ally with multicultural liberalism.
This gives yet more evidence of how the White House is running: that an addled, out-of-depth President is being fought over by two dominant factions, with current policy being a product of who gets his ear last, and manages to rile him up in the right way. Bannon would have more to work with than the Ivanka/mainstream fashion: Trump, watching TV talking heads of all channels having a go at him — including right-wing ones such as FOX News and Glenn Beck’s The Blaze — would have been easily riled to show everyone that he couldn’t be dictated to by “political correctness”.
[How Trump destroyed America’s claims to ‘exceptionalism’]
The “good people on both sides” line is especially telling, because it recalls an earlier moment on the right — in 1985, when President Ronald Reagan, on a state visit to West Germany, gave a speech at a military cemetery in Bitburg, where members of the Waffen SS were buried along with Wehrmacht soldiers. The visit was part of Cold War politics; chancellor Helmut Kohl was building electoral support among “conservative” Germans, and Reagan wanted to build support so that a new range of missiles could be rolled out on German soil.
The visit was bad enough; the remarks there and before it were appalling, with Reagan describing the Wehrmacht soldiers there as “victims, just as surely as the victims in the concentration camp”. The words were written for Reagan by Patrick Buchanan, his communications director, and a man labelled a “paleo-conservative”, who is essentially an intellectual godfather to the alt-right. Buchanan, from a right-wing Catholic family, followers of the isolationist, anti-Semitic Father Charles Coughlin, a lynchpin of American quasi-fascism in the 1930s and 1940s, has spent decades advocating an ethno-nationalist understanding of what the United States is. It’s an anti-liberal reading of the nation’s founding, which argues that the notion that the Declaration of Independence and the constitution — documents of abstract rights — function as a founding root for the country is poppycock. Buchanan (and other such conservatives) have some agreement with left critics of such documents, who argue that they were drafted to defend the rights of white, property- (including slave-property) owning men — and excluding rights that didn’t fit that mould.
For Buchanan and other paleo-conservatives, such documents functioned to a degree as propaganda against the British — a particular cause dressing its interests up as a fight for universal justice. Such paleos have always sought to argue that the United States should know itself as an Anglo-Celtic Christian society, later joined in (formal) full citizenship by emancipated black people, who had themselves been Christianised. On that basis, it is argued, the notion that the US is an expanding polity of rights, open to all, should be resisted. For Buchanan, such conception of what a nation is amounts to a form of “national suicide”.
Throughout his last three of four books, Buchanan has argued a modified form of this approach, a culture-war truce. Multicultural liberalism has won substantial territory, real and metaphorical, he argues; it is powered by rising new industries. What is needed is a mutual recognition of difference, and a politics based on that fact, rather than a spurious search for unity. For a time, Buchanan had a slot on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show, and that was about the best talking-head TV evah.
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Buchanan’s paleo-conservative version of the US polity is what lies at the root of alt-right/white supremacist politics, and one reason why the US right is fracturing so utterly. These are not the Tea Party right, waving their pocket copies of the constitution and denouncing “King” Obama for “trashing” the constitution by using some executive wiggle room to save millions of families with children from deportation. When they put their hands to their hearts on July 4, they are not honouring the free speech, separation of church and state. They are heirs of the groups in the 1780s who never wanted a Bill of Rights at all, or even the constitution in its given form. Manifest destiny for them is the spread of white European Christianity across the ocean, and then the frontier, and then the world.
Christianity, not Judeo-Christianity. On the right, Jew-hatred/anti-Semitism is surging back at an extraordinary, but not unexpected rate. The notion that an eastern particularist religion lies at the root of the European religion that defines the white order is intolerable to them; hatred of Muslims is a recent and far less passionate addition. Right-wing anti-Semitism is an obsessive and autonomous thing, because it regrows in the mind of each hard-right conservative who hankers for a pure social order in which there is no contradiction between polity, society and ethnicity — modern non-Israeli Jews being the living embodiment of this. From the hard-right it spreads to the neurotic right: note how The Spectator Australia and The Sunday Times have recently published (and then retracted) anti-Semitic writers. Note how Mark Latham has linked with the Canadian site The Rebel, whose founder Gavin McInnes spouts the usual obsessive anti-Semitic crap. Those drawn to the political right because they are ethno-nationalist, rather than pro-capitalist liberals, won’t be able to help themselves; the more multicultural society becomes the more identity-based their politics will be (witness the degeneration of the IPA, for example).
The important thing to recognise, in understanding the US, and the West in general, is how deep the roots of these attitudes dig into the soil. They are not aberrations; they have a tradition they call on. We recognise that not to legitimise, but to understand how the appeal might spread. There’s no real sign that Trump is thinking strategically about this; in this instance he serves as symptom and example, and object-lesson in what one is up against.
There’s a reason we’ve collectively settled on marginalisation of the white-sheet set as a general observance.
We already have a working grasp of the phenomenon; PussGrabs ickiness at saying “racism” because Daddy PussGrab was arrested at a KKK rally is the phenomenon writ small (a founding sin that nobody really wants to deal with, like the problem of having Australia Day on THAT SPECIFIC DAY).
There isn’t a solution to the skinheads that actually works (other than mass contraception); making it more difficult to BE one, is the next best thing.
Identifying the enemies of democracy as enemies of the people, and continuing to do so, is a start. The message that guides them was proclaimed long before fascism was even a word.
In the USA it goes further. The monuments they are seeking to perpetuate are to commemorate a war of high treason against the USA and its constitution. There seems to be no doubt that at the ground level, and infesting the corridors of power right to the top, is a thread of treason with underlying dreams of a coup. The failure of the USA from 1865 to today to confront this treason head on (starting in 1865 with treason trials and hanging of ringleaders) is keeping the coup threat on the agenda. That raises the question of the ANZUS treaty and whether it should be modified or (better) repudiated.
But what does removing statues of Confederate generals from public places actually do for black people in America, Dion? Does it house, feed, employ and protect them? Or does it just make a bunch of upper middle class multiculti-liberals feel all warm inside, while offering perfect geographical and symbolic focal points for white nationalists to organise riots around (short of re-painting the White House black, perhaps)?
I fully accept that there are very sound moral reasons for removing such public statues, but doing so equally has to be calculated as political provocation in the extreme. If the fires of Christian ethno-nationalism in the US run as broad and deep as Rundle affirms here, surely the smart play is not to wantonly go throwing fuel on them (and particularly not in the midst of a friggin’ Trump presidency)?
To me you’re talking appeasement. You don’t make anti-fascist policy on the basis of not upsetting the feelings of the poor little snowflakes…
Read the last line of my post Will; it answers your question. And wash the secretly-gay-for-Strom-Thurmond out of your mouth.
I think “treason” is misplaced here. I’m pretty sure the US states were and still are entitled under the constitution to leave the union. The objection to Robert E Lee et al memorials is their stance on slavery and the behaviour of those under their command during the civil war. Lincoln’s decision not to hold trials was to help heal the divisions in the country. Hanging Lee, Davis etc would not have solved anything.
Letting them escape punishment for treason for going to war against the USA didn’t heal a thing – it treated treason as “honourable” and thereby perpetuated the lie that going to war against their own country and against the decent principles (such as opposition to racist slavery) upheld by Lincoln was no different from fighting to defend the rebel slaveowners. No, settling this division by taking a stand against racist treason and its monuments won’t end economic inequality but it will do something for combating remaining cultural turpitude. Thank heaven the Americans who spearheaded the Nuremberg trials and punishments prevailed over those whose sympathies lay with Nazi murderers despite Churchill’s fatuous “they fought for their country”. The Nuremberg trials and hangings or ringleaders paved the way for Germany growing into a decent member of the world community today, unlike the savages taking over the streets of Charlottesville or Donald Trump’s nod-nod-wink-wink.
“or” = “of”
Actually it was, yet again, the perfidious, pusillanimous French who insisted on the retributive nature of the Nuremberg sentences – both UK & USA were reluctant but acquiesced, sick of gallic whining, knowing that dismissing the standard, long time military defense “just following orders” would store uo trouble for their hegemonic habits in the future.
They needn’t have worried though, as that sort of civic awareness requires a semi sentient population with an attention span greater than 10 secs and the affluent effluence which has washed over the world since drowned such self awareness.
As Lennon sang … “keep you drugged with religion, sex & TV” and that was before smart-arse phones.
And what has the result of that leniency been?
no, SCOTUS case Texas v White (1869) established that no legal right to secession is contained in the Constitution.
I’d be surprised if it did – federal constitutions don’t really offer that feature (no, not Canada either – that’s a Clarity Act).
What message from “… before fascism was even a word” would that be?
Some of the ‘unite-the-not-very-bright’ pics show shields, with the roman symbol of an axe bound within a bundle of wood fascis.
The limp dicks holding them upside down are apparently unaware that the axe would fall out and their tight arse unity would fall apart.
How fortunate is Dubya Bush to see Trump in the White House – thereby snatching the title of Worst Ever President.
What I can’t understand is how Ivanka was ever permitted by Big Daddy to hitch up with the Jewish Kushner. Not only did they marry but she actually converted.
I was surprised to learn, from the New Yorker, that Ivanka & Chelsea Clinton are long time BFFs, god mothers to each others children and that Chelsea also converted to an especially Orthodox form of Judaism.
I did not know this. McCain and Hillary are besties too.
It just confirms that the Dems and the GOP are just two branches of the same party, and that their differences are mostly theatrics. It just shows that the ruling political and business families are all of a Class, all kin, all buddies. It’s just us plebs who are not in the loop.
I forget whether it was Ralph Nader or Gore Vidal who said that amerika had one party government, Repugs & Dems being just different factions.
Just different sides of the same, corporate coin.
AR, can you give the link or ref to that New Yorker thing about Chelsea Clinton converting? As at Oct 2016, according to this link, she had not http://www.timesofisrael.com/where-ivanka-trump-and-chelsea-clinton-may-pray-on-rosh-hashanah/
“Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, both conventional New York social liberals (and Kushner is Jewish)”
Ivanka is too, she converted in 2009. Which makes Dad’s attitudes just that little bit more gross. Maybe his attitude to her Jewishness is the mirror opposite of his attitude to her looks – “If she weren’t my daughter…”
CNN showed a documentary last week showing without doubt that Trump has been fostering the KKK and other white racist groups since 1980,
In 2008 Beitbart.com published a series of articles showing without doubt that Barrack Obama was not born in Hawai’i
This article needs a rewrite so that I can understand it and not just settle for the gist.