On the marriage equality postal survey

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “On what legal basis did the High Court approve a statistically meaningless opinion poll?” (Friday)

On Saturday we were herded into a compulsory, binding vote for local councils most of us either didn’t want or don’t care about. This week we begin the process of an optional, non-binding survey regarding something many of us deeply desire and most of us endorse. This seems a perverse distortion of the democratic process. 

David Ayliffe writes: Re. “The Yes Camp’s Hostility to Religion is Losing them votes” (Thursday)

I suspect that there are more Christians in Australia who support marriage equality than those who don’t. Irfan Yusuf’s article does not tell the whole story.  Unfortunately groups like the Australian Christian Lobby get far too much coverage because of the profile they have managed to achieve as a lobby group.