So, the right-wing newspaper columnist
calls out the ‘statue haters’ — those
who sign off on The Age of Exploration.
These statues are as innocent as history.
For him, they are factual whereas
the Stolen Generations are a construction.
O, the legacies of the printer’s hellbox.
Contraindicative, we see the fusing
of ‘refugees and terrorism’, we hear
the denial of compensation for the brutalities
of Manus Island. The Columnist — point blank —
prefers statues over refugees, over Aboriginal
peoples’ rights to their own country.
But the statues have aged with the climate —
changing, that is. Transforming. Assimilating?
His readers might deny that also. The script
of the navigator — observe what is useful
to your patrons. Sink all rivals’ boats.
And statues. Keep the sea-lanes open
to The Crown, your protector — don’t sail
over the edge of the world, but brave it out.
The statues aren’t white, not usually,
which is a flaw in the choice of materials —
in the casting. ‘Statue haters’ should paint
over statues with white paint only, white
as pigeon shit — bring out their essence,
the truth.
Nice poem, but a wasted effort on the Dolt, like teaching pigs to sing….
You don’t seriously believe Bolt will read this do you? He will just say you’re another socialist/communist/whatever trouble maker. Anyway the poem is too good for him.
At least the pigeons tried to make them white.