On Bill Shorten’s leadership

Peter Wileman writes: Re. “The No. 1 person keeping Malcolm Turnbull in The Lodge is … Bill Shorten” (Monday)

The best hope for labor is to appoint one of their women to the top job. Tanya Plibersek or Penny Wong have each got more going for them than ‘Zinger’ Shorten. They both could stare down the mad monk and demonstrate what a poisonous toad he is, and what a total disappointment Malcolm has proved to be without stooping to Shorten’s puerile ‘Zingers’.

There just doesn’t appear to be much of an alternative. No one is thinking long term, no one has demonstrated a plan for longer than the next election.

On Dan Ziffer’s departure from the ABC

Doug Clark writes: Re. “‘He should be stripped and flogged, the bastard’ … Faine producer leaves … raising shell …” (Monday)

Ahem, but a ‘longtime’ producer leaving after 6 years does not suggest that a “revolving door” is operating on Mr Faine’s shift does it? Pretty slow one if it is…