Cometh the hour, cometh the half-man. Former prime minister John Howard returned to the fray last week, with a strong attack on the Yes contingent in the Coalition, for failing to specify the conditions for protection of religious freedom, should there be a successful Yes vote, and then an act in Parliament to ratify same-sex marriage.
Gor, it were just like old times weren’t it. The suburban solicitor, now snow-white of hair, with his improbable political charisma to a good 40% of the population — the lack of crazed rhetoric, the calm delivery, the more-in-sorrow-than-in-anger delivery of a sheer unvarnished political lie. We should enjoy it while it lasts; it’s like going to a return tour by The Vines, the performance made more piquant by the quiet thought, he won’t be back round again. Nor him. Nor him.
“I I I I I feel that the provisions for religious freedom should have been enunciated it be-be-be before the plebiscite,” the Rodent said, or words to that effect. Sure, like the details of EU departure were spelt out before the Brexit referendum, where Howard supported the No case. Translation: it looks like the No case is going to lose the process we put in to delay same-sex marriage, and we will be faced with the ghastly prospect: not the Boschian disaster the No case purportedly envisages, but that, like New Zealand, the UK, Canada, Ireland and elsewhere, the change will pass without incident or knock-on.
John Howard has reappeared for one reason: there’s no real leadership in the No case, no figure flying the flag as s/he leaps over the trench parapet. But that’s been no great disadvantage to the No case, because there’s no leadership in the Yes case either. Both sides have been compelled into this hate-fuck of a political process, and there seems a curious decentredness to the whole process. Is this the new form of social politics? That we don’t need visible leaders anymore, that a process doesn’t need to be personified in an MLK, a Jane Jacobs, a Harvey Milk?
Well, good, maybe, if so. But not, if, as I suspect, the lack of a public leader is indicative of a lack of leadership, especially in the Yes case. Furthermore, the haunting fear might be that only one side is this disorganised. Though the No case lacks a public figure, I do not believe it lacks leadership or co-ordination. Why are its TV spots popping up, its leaflets in the Thai take-away, why are its campaigners in and around the last two shopping centres I visited?
Well, we already know the answer. The cultural right remains situated in face-to-face life, and its religious contingent have a collective consciousness that the cultural left has largely lost. The former submerge their self-hoods into boring services, boring meetings, boring demos. The cultural left have single demos that double as performance art extravaganzas. Then they go home, and “like” photos of the wittiest placards on their twibonned Instagram. The danger for the Yes case is that they won’t have done enough to convince advocates that simply expressing your affect is not enough to get out the vote. Any real encounter is worth twenty, thirty, fifty, a hundred online ones. But real encounters — getting in the face of busy people — is icky, and doubly icky for the digital homesteaders of the Yes case.
This is how Yes might lose — in the same way that Brexit was lost, Trump became President, Obama lost Ted Kennedy’s seat, and the Senate, in his first term, and so on. I actually think they probably won’t, though I think the No case will leap far beyond their 30% base, but it will only be because of the rightness of the cause itself (in current liberal terms), as a simple extension of the domain of equality. There may not be much in it. The Yes case cannot find the enthusiasm to advocate for a right they believe, US-style, is implicit and God-given, rather than something to be politically achieved. The No case has spotted an opportunity to stop the progressive advance in its tracks, not merely in Australia, but in the Anglosphere West. They dream of the audacious upset, as they pound the pavements of Campsie, Ringwood, Semaphore, Mandurah, Indooroopilly. They will regard anything above 40% as a win, and use it accordingly.
But the Coalition No contingent is afeared they won’t get that – and hence the “religious freedom” bullshit. It is right up Howard’s alley, in that there isn’t a skerrick of evidence to build a case from. The plebiscite forces nothing, guarantees nothing, creates no greater legitimacy for Safe Schools, marrying bridges, bestiality, etc, per se, and the question of the staffing, etc, rights of religious-run hospitals, schools and businesses (beyond their actual work operation) is governed by other laws (as we noted last week). It’s a campaign built out of nothing.
But that’s where Howard’s right at home. Like his two compatriots of the last era of actual politics — Paul Keating and Bob Brown — Howard has to be in a political cause facing immediate extinction before he can get seriously excited. Those put-upon eyes, the face of the beleaguered and shunned petite bourgeoisie, the forgotten people, atop that coprophagic grin, as he summons a vision of three men marrying a tractor in St Patrick’s Cathedral, the priest officiating at police gunpoint. No one else has quite the gusto or the brio to do it. This is the man who, in 2013, proudly told us that he had taken a position accepting climate change because it was politically expedient.
Before the 2007 federal election, Howard pledged a re-elected conservative government would introduce an emissions trading scheme (ETS).
AAP reports he now says that was because by late 2006 his government hit a “perfect storm” with ongoing drought, severe water restrictions, bushfires and the release of the (Lord Nicholas) Stern Review and Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth.
“To put it bluntly, ‘doing something’ about global warming gathered strong political momentum in Australia,” Mr Howard said in his written lecture.
The voice of the Rodent. And now Geoff Cousins, a strategist who claims to have helped the Coalition defeat the 1988 multi-part referendum on federal/state powers, has claimed that Howard is simply replaying the “big fear” strategy developed then (the horror! Political cynicism used to the wrong purpose!)
Can Howard tease out, or switch back from Yes to No a crucial 3-4%? You bet he can. But part of what he is relying on to do so is the vacuum created by the absence of a truly forceful Yes campaign, one wholly abandoning discussion of fragility and harm and depression (real though these might be), and focused on one thing only: winning the vote, and winning it as something straightforward, obvious and unfussed. Maybe there’s a strategy in place, to minimise street-level politicisation to dampen the No vote or … I dunno. It might all be straightforward, but one can’t help but wonder at a political movement that doesn’t seem to want to be political — to such a degree that someone like the Rodent can plausibly re-insert themselves.
By contrast, for the Yes case, for the wider “progressive” agenda, this pile-on by the right is actually an opportunity. They’re throwing everything at this; the bad faith is immense. The sheer vacuity of their arguments around religious freedom is a gamble. Should it fail, and same-sex marriage become an unremarkable part of everyday life, then the utility of Big Fear — the idea that it can be switched to any issue, anywhere — will be much diminished. By no means dissolved, and there will still be issues which have a genuine conservative argument and side to them. Given all that, it seems unwise to be emphasising the victim status of a side that is trying to impose its will — because that is ultimately what politics is — and doing so on the affirmative, change-making side of the argument. The Yes case could really do with one or two big public faces/leaders now.
The result will be fascinating, the weeks to come will be fascinating, and for the Rodent, a last chance to see …
Thanks for ‘coprophagic grin’. Crikey readers are indebted.
Isn’t ‘religious freedom’ an oxymoron?
Oh shit Zut; coprophagic grin . . . wasn’t in the Collins and had to resort to top shelf and the ever trustworthy Oxford. When Guy really takes aim it is both forensic and selective . . . only the jugular. Now await . . . “Demise of the Rodent” Bravo!
If nothing else Guy has unleashed that what was predicted . . . a raging hateful clash of fears and prejudice; and I have no heart to contribute beyond drawing to electorate of Warringah (?) attention, that their Member’s seat in Parliament is at their desire.
He’s just like that little brown thing in the bowl that will not flush. Again and again you try but it keeps on popping up!
Former prime minister John Howard returned to the fray last week, with a strong attack on the Yes contingent in the Coalition, for failing to specify the conditions for protection of religious freedom, should there be a successful Yes vote, and then an act in Parliament to ratify same-sex marriage.
What, the Constitution isn’t good enough for him ?
I’m despondent at the vacuity being advanced on either side. “Marriage Equality” is a mere slogan and as for “Love is Love”…….
If marriage is only about love then what business has the State in legislating it at all?
The Yes side should instead be proposing repeal of the obsolete Marriage Act. The Act is contentious, and is largely redundant, given civil unions are available to all and have no obfuscating religious overtones.
Getting the government out of the word “marriage” would be a clearer, cleaner and more honest option.
As it is, I think the current push amounts to being more about conformity than equality.
It is very disappointing, given the feminist critiques of marriage that had it almost on its last legs a few decades ago. Then marriage went into a coma of status quo. Now the agony of its last gasp is again being prolonged.
Speaking of Lazarus…….
But eliminating marriage from law is a much larger amount of legislative change vs half a dozen words in the Marriage Act.
So it’s hard to argue that the proper cause of action is to try and get the inequality struck out of existing law (*should* be a relatively simple task) in the short term while trying to get a fundamentally better law put in place over the long term.
We already have comprehensive laws re civil unions – which may require minor tweaking to ensure equivalence. These laws deal with personal partnerships but minus historical prejudice or religious hangover. So no need for major re-vamps – just an Act to repeal.
Those are state laws, so you need to tweak in every state vs one place.
Plus dealing with any possible follow-on consequences of repealing the Marriage Act (not to mention actually getting it done – the same people will be up in arms about that).
Vs removing half a dozen words from the Marriage Act.
The States can refer their powers to the Commonwealth, as they have done for instance re the many amendments to the Family Law Act since 1975 in relation to de facto couples.
As you say, repealing the Marriage Act would similarly upset those now resisting change, but the arguments against should be harder to sustain. There would be no requirement to change the definition of marriage, just better clarification of the existing distinction between State and Church unions.
I would say that “eliminating marriage” (likely how it would be presented) covers “changing its definition”.
I don’t believe there is a federal civil union law ? So that would need to be created and passed. Then marriage eliminated. Then what are the ramifications for any existing laws that might depend on the marriage act ? Complicated. Time consuming.
Vs removing half a dozen words from existing law.
People would be arguing for same-sex marriage regardless of how difficult it would be to change the law. The argument isn’t for anything fundamentally better, it’s for entrenching marriage as an institution in the civil sphere.
While I agree with Salamander that marriage is pointless and should be unnecessary, it seems the majority of people still love it for whatever reasons, so much so that they want to extend it to everyone. Not sure if one could argue “okay, we’ve thrashed ourselves to get same-sex marriage, now let’s campaign to get rid of marriage entirely”.
I don’t understand how they can argue both, that marriage is only about love (not children, or whatever else), and that it should also be subject to legislation. They used to say the State had no business in the bedrooms of the nation.
I don’t understand how they can argue both, that marriage is only about love (not children, or whatever else), and that it should also be subject to legislation. They used to say the State had no business in the bedrooms of the nation.
Straw men aside, what “they” are saying is that the state is already involved in marriage and should not discriminate.
Entrench*ing* ? You might be a bit late to stop that.
“Should a law discriminate” and “should a law exist” are separate and independent questions and discussions. No need to conflate them.
Yea, entrenching it, as in the dictionary definition “establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely”. So, not getting rid of marriage because it’s stupid and pointless but making it harder to get rid of because people who were previously discriminated against doing it are allowed. Even though it remains stupid and pointles.
I’m not interested in the current law discriminating, I’d like to see it not exist. I’m not conflating, I’m choosing the latter over the former.
That’s some wacky reasoning.
Marriage is already firmly entrenched. To the point where we effectively automatically endow it once a couple has been together long enough – we just give it a different name: “de facto”.
Change (of the scale and scope you prefer) is already all but impossible, that should be obvious from this kerfuffle.
Yeah, the rhetoric is pretty weird. They need to focus, there is a prohibition on same-sex marriage embedded in the marriage act, since 2004, and they believe it should be lifted. This should have been a simple debate without much fuss, the wider debate about homosexuality having already been conducted, along with the question of religious freedom for businesses (bugger all) and for the church (as much as they want). It shouldn’t be hard to keep the debate grounded in reality, but the Yes campaign isn’t up to the task, as a whole.
(On the abolition of state regulated marriage, we are in agreement, btw. But as ‘Drsmithy’ has already tried to argue, that is a debate for another time, and not in the middle of this one about a specific prohibition in a specific act of parliament. I also want to note that it is unlikely that the Yes campaigners are trying to make the case for marriage’s abolition, even if you can follow some of the shallow arguments like love is love to that conclusion)
It shouldn’t be hard to keep the debate grounded in reality, but the Yes campaign isn’t up to the task, as a whole.
I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame the “Yes” campaign here. The “No” mob are transparently using it as a proxy argument against the mainstreaming of homosexuality, hence all the ridiculous “arguments” that have nothing to do with the actual question of equality within the marriage act. The “yes” side, of course, feel compelled to respond, thus sidetracking from the real issue even more.
However, even the derided “love is love” argument, at its core, addresses the underlying fundamental issue of equality in the law (or its lack).
“The ‘No’ mob are transparently using it as a proxy argument against the mainstreaming of homosexuality, hence all the ridiculous ‘arguments’ that have nothing to do with the actual question of equality within the marriage act.”
I don’t know if you’ve been reading Crikey lately Drsmithy, but the Yes mob have been doing exactly that here: arguing heatedly over whether marriage equality is a distraction from, or a democratic precursor to, further ‘mainstreaming’ of homosexuality. The Yes crew need to step up and own that, or have their opponents do it against them. This has gone way beyond a who can marry. It’s now about who should marry, and why, and why not.
Haven’t seen what you’re talking about. Happy to consider any examples.
Great piece.
If the left has a hundred dodgy faults 98 would be that they believe that the rightness of their cause is more than enough to get it over the line. And how they are shocked every single time it doesn’t….