On MSM obsession with “simplistic opinions”
Niall Clugston writes: Re. “Razer: how mainstream media became a clearing house for simplistic opinions” (Tuesday)
I think the reason why the news media today thrives on “simplistic opinion” is less about the zeitgeist and more about economic reality. Opinion pieces are cheap. They require very little research, still less interviewing or investigative journalism. A lazy Google search, a reach for the bottle of firewater, and off you go! The more extreme and unreasonable, the more the piece will generate interest.
People can get their news from a range of sites, but only the news media can provide a self-appointed pundit to thunder about something they know very little about, and probably care little about. Because the author is famous and the masthead is historic, these opinion pieces are elevated above the run-of-the-mill rants that are found on social media. This is the last gasp of the old media. Soon we will be in a swamp where everyone is a bullfrog…
On political nicknames
Meredith Williams writes: Re. “From Blackout Bill to Juliar: why pejorative nicknames don’t work in politics” (Tuesday)
The ‘Mad Monk’ nickname may have stuck to Tony Abbott for a while. But in truth, he is the only Australian political leader ever to be named completely after body parts: toe, knee, ab, bot.
I am sorry Meredith, your anatomy lesson is not quite right. I believe one of the parts is head. The other is rather lower and opposite bot.
Meredith – the strangest aspect of the Mad Monk moniker is that he gave it to himself in a Bulletin article he wrote many years ago.