On the marriage equality debate

John Richardson writes: Re. “Abbott reckons Yes voters are the real bigots and thugs. The evidence suggests otherwise”  (Thursday).

I must disagree with Charlie Lewis’ characterisation of Tony Abbott as a “prominent campaigner for the No to marriage equality movement”.

Tony Abbott is one thing & one thing only: a determined campaigner for his own self-interest, ready to use every device, opportunity, issue (real or manufactured), trick, tactic or deceit to promote himself at every opportunity. To afford Abbott any more recognition than that is to do us all a great disservice.

Richard Barlow writes: Re.”Rundle: shameful showbags for the worst plebiscite opinion tripe (this week)” (Thursday)

Guy Rundle makes a good point about the Yes campaign’s failure to campaign on the issues.  Sure, love is love, but marriage will still be either religious or civil.  And the churches can continue to refuse same sex marriage, which is fair enough as that’s their thing.  Maybe the Yes campaign should run the line that this is about civil marriage and not about religious marriage, or Canadian schools teaching kids “radical gender theory”.