On new powers of detention

John Richardson writes: Re. “Turnbull’s proposed detention law is a victory for terrorists” (Wednesday).

Greg Barns details how our “Master and Commander”, Prime Minister, Malcolm Bligh Turnbull is determined to “keep Australians safe” by trashing international laws.

Former Prime Minister and once the keeper of three word slogans, Tony Abbott, claimed that his government would be freedom’s bulwark against the encroachments of an unworthy and dishonourable government. Given that assertion and given that his successor intends to make it an offence to make terrorism “hoaxes”, perhaps Australians should question if our politicians & bureaucrats will be subject to the same law.

Given these self-appointed protectors of our “freedoms” can’t justify their claims to the Australian people, perhaps they could convince Mohamed Haneef?

On Spain’s empire

Jock Webb writes: Re. “Gun control may now be forever beyond US reach”  (Wednesday)

James Burke is right. Spain built an empire based on Portuguese navigation, having expelled anything that looked like intellectual activity from Cordoba. In an age known for the barbarity of colonial power, Spain set new standards for cruelty. In the 15th and 16th century, Spain pillaged the new world of vast fortunes in gold, silver and gems. At the beginning, it was one of the poorest nations in Europe. At the end it was the same, having spent the gold on wars and political manoeuvring.

Civilisation be stuffed. Only in recent times has it arisen as a worthwhile nation and now the government in Madrid, having betrayed Catalonia in 2010 expects to be thanked.n They have scored about five own goals.