On Labor’s failure to oppose the surveillance state

Marilyn J Shepherd writes: Re. “Labor’s cowardice has delivered us into a surveillance state” (Thursday)

Why would the ALP say anything about this? They cheered when Howard bombed Afghanistan, only mildly dissented over Iraq, called Assange a criminal, backed the abuse of Hicks and Habib, love jailing and trading babies and parents around the world so why on earth would they care about civil liberties for anyone at all except themselves.

On Theresa May

Jackson Harding writes: Re. Rundle: mad, bad Boris Johnson could somehow still end up steering Britain” (Thursday)

And just like the Poms Mr Rundle has completely ignored Ruth Davidson. There is a part of Britain north of the border, even if much of it doesn’t want to be part of Britain any longer.

Any leader who can take seats off Labour and the SNP north of the Tweed has to be taken seriously.