On Nick Xenophon

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “Xenophon state shift will shake up politics in the rustbelt” (Friday)

Many Australians will miss Senator Xenophon’s participation in politics at the federal level. On issues social, environmental, economic and international, whether as a strange sound or a different voice, he has indeed been true to his name. 

On Labor’s response to Coalition surveillance policy

John Kotsopoulos writes: Re. “The Labor Party has failed to differentiate itself on a dispiriting number of issues“(Friday)

Critics from the left like Marilyn J Shepherd would rather flay Labor for not being brave enough than attack the perpetrators of policies of which she disapproves.  

Labor stuck its head up on many policies such asylum seekers and climate change and all it got for its trouble is handwringing and condemnation from the left. Doctrinaire attacks from the right and left on climate change gave us Abbott and the current pig’s breakfast that passes for an environment policy.  As for improving surveillance, which is the topic de jour, I see nothing wrong with making best use of information that is already available.