On the Uluru statement

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “End of Indigenous recognition process a huge win for the racist right”  (Friday)

The Turnbull Government’s rejection of a permanent Indigenous advisory body to parliament is a stunning blow to Indigenous rights and recognition in Australia. Formal and practical mechanisms towards meaningful input for First Peoples into government must be pursued as a matter of highest priority. Meanwhile, I remain an advocate of Constitutional Recognition. The banal and repetitive reference to traditional custodians at official functions has become the epitome of tokenism in this country. What, pray tell, is the point of such “acknowledgement of country” when indigenous peoples are not even acknowledged in our nation’s Constitution?

John Hall writes: Re. “End of Indigenous recognition process a huge win for the racist right”  (Friday)

John Howard refused to say sorry. Turnbull Turncoat has emulated him under pressure from the far right of his party and Pauline Hanson’s supporters. This is another sad nail in the Liberal’s casket. A more enlightened future government will hopefully bury that casket in the White Australia Cemetery.