So it is happening: the next stage in our offshore detention regime, in which a widespread indifference to how the 600 detainees on Manus Island live has been replaced by a widespread indifference to the idea that some of them might die, violently, or through untreated illness. Greens Senator Nick McKim has used the strongest language, accusing Immigration Minister Peter Dutton of being “racist … and fascist”.
There is more than a touch of Mussolini about the way that has gone down, across governments of both parties, the systematic creation of a group of people as “social enemies”, their penning in camps as non-citizens, and the shift by which their non-personhood becomes the guarantor of our citizenship; anything can be done to them, to make meaningful our rights and protections. Mussolini, yes, but this goes back before that, to British concentration camps against Zulus, Boers and others in the Boer War, Spanish camps in Cuba in the 1890s, French camps in Algeria in the 1830s. The detention camp is the mode by which the modern state guarantees itself.
In the current circumstances, created by Chairman Rudd’s too-clever-by-half manoeuvrings, the efficacy of the camp can be preserved, while a liberal denial of its authoritarian character maintained. Hence the latest twist: the camp itself closed down by law, the refugees transferred to new facilities to which the local population object — forcefully, to say the least. The final twist? The bestial right can turn around and say that you wanted the camp closed, and now it is. The lip-smacking glee with which they’re doing so, tells you that they are either corrupted, were always malign, deeply ignorant or all three.
The trick of it has always been to argue that Papua New Guinea — having courts to hand down decisions closing the camp, etc — is a thoroughly modernised society, and civil authorities will guarantee the refugees public safety. Of course it isn’t; it is a hybrid society, in which there is no neutral public space. It is criss-crossed with right, obligation and ownership amid a people who — inconvenient though true — preserve a greater role for violence in everyday human relations than neutralised, modernised societies. Essentially, by indifference, the modern state of Australia is subcontracting arbitrary violence to the hybrid modern-traditional society on Manus Island. Equally, that doesn’t mean that they are surrounded by “savages”, or that many local people will not be kind to them. The local people have had the economic inequality of Australia and PNG rubbed in their faces for years, which is why some are stripping the camp. But they are in a context in which the machete is an accessory.
Whatever is going to happen, we are going to see it happen on Twitter, in real time. Protesters are already occupying Border Force offices. The moral standard for illegal action is clearly met. Will the refugee groups put a general call-out to those of us willing to be arrested, in organised collective action? There is simply no alternative to doing so, when the death of innocents looms, in and out of camps we know about, happening now. It is not yet the final act, but it is getting chillingly closer.
This however, goes bag to the mongrel Abbott who refused to back a Malaysia solution because it would have taken away his slogan. The Greens also need a kicking, because had the Malaysia solution stood, we might well have seen none of these people in such a sorry plight. Malaysia after all is a more or less orderly, though corrupt society and was part of Big Mal Fraser’s long term solution to make the queue orderly but accessible. PNG is disorderly and getting worse, Nauru is a bed of crooks. These racist scum want no part of anything that helps.
OLD GREYBEARDED ONE: Excellent. Of course the Malaysian solution was the correct one. But leave it to Inquisition Abbott to screw it.
GUY RUNDLE: I like the beard. It makes you look less intimidating.
It was still better than the hideous mess it has become.
I don’t care if you have a sewer in your mouth. But what comes out obscures whatever grain of truth you are trying to convey.
The Malaysia ‘solution’ was a thousand times ‘less worse’ than the current atrocity but it was just Labor’s particular version of political irresponsibility. At the margin, Labor share accountability for this humanitarian nightmare.
No, the ALP are not at the margins, it’s their fucking policy 100%
Marilyn, good on you for your anger but what is happening under the current Government’s watch is a truckload worse than what Labor put in place or tried to put in place. That’s not an excuse – Labor were cowardly and capitulated to racists, and those who cynically exploited racism, for base political reasons. They absolutely continued us down the path to where we are now but they didn’t bring us all the way here.
Gillard reopened the prisons, stripped refugees of all rights to get around the high court. IN WHAT FAIRY TALE ARE THEY NOT AS BAD AS THE LIBERALS.
Marilyn, in the fairytale where they did not lock them up indefinitely, where they did afford them proper medical care, where they kept them relatively safe, where they didn’t prosecute whistleblowers (or anyone who talked about the atrocities in the camps), where they didn’t turn around boats or kidnap people at sea, where they didn’t open the gates and tell these people to fend for themselves. Marilyn, Labor suck for their role in this but if you think they are as bad as the current lot you need your head read.
They are as bad as the liberals, FFS what is wrong with pple who claim otherwise.
Marilyn, everything’s not binary – there is a difference between bad and worse.
I appreciate people who get angry about the things they care about; however, your particular brand of anger is beyond the pale. Given you either shout at, swear at or insult everyone you speak to, how would you go if everyone responded to you in kind?
I admire your persistence with MJS, Joe, but Dilbert was right: you shouldn’t argue with nuts because you’ll just get angry and they’ll still be nuts.
MJS makes it very clear that there is only one satisfactory outcome in her worldview – complete global freedom of movement for all refugees – and, while that’s lovely, it does mean she disqualifies herself from any discussion over incremental changes. Everything is worse than that nirvana, of course, so she dismisses everything and is incapable of understanding shades of grey (for yes, grey they all are). But very clearly, in my view, the Malaysian option would be better than what we have now; permanent protection visas are better than an indefinite series of TPVs; a refugee’s arrival mode has nothing to do with the legitimacy their claim; rapid processing is better than indefinite detention etc etc. These are all morally equivalent, to MJS, and therefore, apparently, equally unacceptable. No asylum seeker I know (and I do know a few) would share that view, not in a million years.
Mind you, she does swear a lot and strenuously abuses her interlocutors – you very generously admire her maintained anger, but I don’t share that charitable viewpoint, I’m afraid. I think she’s quite vicious, appallingly smug and expressive of an un-budging viewpoint that, as a matter of realpolitik, actively harms refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.
Malaysia was not a frigging solution, are you morons brain dead? Since we started up this racist bullshit again 36 million more people have had to flee war and persecution and 40 million kids under 5 have died of starvation and disease while we have squandered up to $12 billion to keep out 2,000 refugees.
FFS, they are allowed to come here by sea, air, on water skies, hot air balloon without fear of punishment or being shoved into some prison somewhere else.
Since Gillard’s racist adventure to try and get Malaysia to go along the death camps for Rohingya have been discovered and still moron ALP people think the deal was worthwhile.
We don’t get to trade around humans to appease racists.
The Malaysian solution was a nonsense. We send them 800 parcels and they send 4000. It is time for tough solutions like accepting responsibility not playing cat and mouse games.
Malaysia is a tough place for refugees- 118 people have died in two years in their detention camps holding 87,000 people. Many are stateless sick starving Rohingyans who die in the camps. Just because journalists are not reporting and NGOs dare not speak out about the abuse of human beings does not mean that it is not happening.
There are around 12000 refugees in Indonesia – half starved, no rights to work, children denied education, some asked to be put back in detention in order to eat. They are waiting for a chance to come down. The week Labor is elected the boats will try. Then LNP will start screaming about boats. The navy will try to push them back. A different Indonesia might not be so amenable this time. Disaster waiting to happen. The script is so predictable and horrible.
Labor with no guts or imagination to accept that a solution is needed will walk into this trap and the whole bloody mess continues.
You don’t need to be a genius to look at ways to make it different- let’s hear from Crikey thinkers.
If we don’t change we will ensure that we become a pariah nation which could harm us all.
Pamela – no Pamella in your doubleplus good doublethink, distinctly unhoneyed honesty.
There is No Balm in GileALPd, can the Apparatchik change his shorts?
Sure, for an emollient or three. Bugger those in the Wilderness.
Hear hear! Borders are a bit like copyright, they only mean something if enforced. Also like copyright they’re unnecessary and should be abolished for the good of humanity. If people want to put Aussie jobs first or ban Piss Brown from touring here they have to deal with concentration camps.
That it should come to this . . . . whereby the Australian Government having step by step laid out an action designed to end in bloodshed of innocents; who through no fault of own are cast as offenders where in fact from the beginning, always victims. Politicians, aided by Military strategists and headed by Minister’s prepared to besmirch, devalue, destroy even women and children in order to secure both political/personal goals. Guy’s reminder of past atrocities; who, how and toward what ends ensures outcomes followed by much public washing of hands . . . nothing has changed.
I stand with the innocents.
This latest egregious behaviour of the Immigration Minister & the culture of border protection beggars belief. What have we become, Australia? A nation of apathetic jerks.
This morning I telephoned Dutton’s ministerial office in Canberra & urge others to do likewise. This is delivers strong feedback directly into the lion’s den. Don’t send emails, these are too easily ignored by his departmental staff & will never be answered.
Telephone: force them to answer a barrage of critical calls & listen to the electorate challenge the Minister’s policies. The more civil your call the more difficult it makes to be dismissed as ‘a nutter’. We must be heard.
The office of the Prime Minister phone number is 02 6277 7700
And Dutton’s department: (02) 6277 7860
Of course the locals hate the refugees, they hate Port Moresby as well because none of the money Australia pays PNG gets to Manus in the Admiralty Islands, are they the same ethnicity as Port Moresby fellas?
The locals were bypassed for jobs in the camp and there is no money being spent on their communities.
If I was in their shoes I would hate the intruders too but unlike the Manus people I wield a keyboard not a machete