On the Beersheba commemoration

Michael Kane writes: Re.  “Rundle: old lies given new meaning in fraudulent Beersheba commemoration“(Wendesday) 

As he has done resolutely through the Australian commemoration of the Great War, Rundle  points to the extraordinary interpolation of the Israeli state into the the Beersheba “celebrations”. To link the foundation of Israel to the Beersheba charge, even in the most symbolic way, is a gratuitous insult to the troops involved not to mention the Arab inhabitants of that part of Palestine who no doubt wished both the Ottomans and British would go away.

As Rundle states Australia fought in the war for the British Empire and its war aims whether at Gallipoli, Beersheba, the Western Front or anywhere else. Whether that was a good thing to do is another question asked vigorously by many Australians at the time, seemingly more so than now..  But we should at least tell the truth about why we went to war and what the volunteers thought they were fighting for — not accept the imposed twenty first century inventive narrative about democracy and nationalism.

On the austistic savant characters

Phil Weeks writes: Re. “Glenn Dyer’s TV Ratings“(Wednesday)

A little note for Glenn Dyer: You wrote: “I betcha no one is out hawking a teleplay for an autistic savant accountant saving the profit and loss report.”

But there is Ben Affleck in The Accountant‘ of 2016.  Wikidpedia says: “a small-town Illinois certified public accountant with high-functioning autism … makes his living uncooking the books of dangerous criminal organizations around the world that are experiencing internal embezzlement.” The accountant (Affleck) is also high-functioning with martial arts and weapons. Apparently a sequel is in development — no word yet on a TV series!