On the end of Malcolm Turnbull
John Richardson writes: Re.“Turnbull just went from fizzer to finished” (Tuesday)
While Bernard Keane is right to highlight the obscene theft being perpetrated by the current representatives of organised crime, posing as our country’s government, anyone in touch with our recent history would understand that a far grander theft has been underway non-stop for more than 250 years, starting with the wholesale dispossession of the first Australians and then continuing without interruption through the institutionalised franchising of privilege and power and the continuing legalised theft of our nation’s resources
As to why anyone would have great expectations of Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister is surely a mystery, given that he is just the latest in a long line of ordinary but reliable political enablers whose sole purpose is surely to defend and protect the status quo.
Well said John. Most can’t see the forest for the trees and nit pick at tiny and often insignificant parts of what is the ultimately recurring and fundamental collective problem – the institutionalisation of wealth and power.
The Brits invaded and won
If it hadnt been the Brits, it would have been the French , German or Russian . The Japanese had already been here.
After 250 years this is enough
it would seem that even the dumbest of the dumb are finally realising that the conservatives have been raping our minerals and national wealth for the benefit of their wealthy supporters for years but the intensity has increased since howard , abbott and now turnbull.
And yet, as the caption on the old agitprop cartoon of the privilege pyramid put it – “and STILL you vote for them!”.
Nothing new under the sun.
The overseas mining corporations call Australia “Treasure Island”.
You just sail in, dig up the treasure and sail away. Like taking candy from a baby!
The Whilam Govrnments minister for resources, Rex Connor, tried to get finance away from the collonial style overseas banking monopolies. This was to secure that Australians could get a fair share of Australias mineral resources by providing low interst loans, to prevent the rip-off upfront interest gouging that multinationals use to strip the profit out before taxable profits are made. Old standard dudding of the locals supported by whatever toady politicians can be bought with beads and trinkets.
Now thanks to our sycophantic politicians, 80% of our minerals are foreign owned.
Rupert murdoch had a finger in the mining pie at the time too! Surprise.
I guess the NBN was an easy nobble after helping his US cronies in The Dismissal of a government.