On the Queensland state election

Geoff Edwards writes: Re “On the Queensland state election” (yesterday).

Martin Gordon’s description of the Greens as an “extreme” party expressing a protest vote should not go unchallenged. In economics, the Greens’ published policies are arguably much closer to the mainstream centre than those of either of the major parties. The Greens have never embraced neoliberalism and retain a healthy scepticism towards privatisation, free trade, outsourcing, and the other pro-business policies that have raised the antagonism of the community. In environmental matters, the Greens are the only party whose policies are grounded in a clear-eyed knowledge of the scientific evidence. The objective evidence that our planet’s life-support systems are in peril is now coming home relentlessly, witness the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity a fortnight ago, signed by 15,000 scientists who no doubt come from all partisan positions.

Yes, the Greens may make the ALP’s life hard, but as public opinion hardens against rising inequality, and as climate change and other environmental deterioration force adjustment upon industry after industry, Greens’ policies won’t seem so extreme after all.

Barry Welch writes:  Re. “Turnbull rattled over One Nation’s pull on conservatives” (Monday).

Having spent eleven days handing out at pre poll, the thing that stands out for me about One Nation voters and volunteers is not racism, but the semi -religious/personality/cargo cult mentality that is endemic to Hanson’s adherents. They really seem to think that if Pauline has power all that they desire will happen for them.