On marriage equality

Meredith Williams writes: Re. “Passage of Same-sex Marriage Bill through the Senate without amendments” (Wednesday) 

Thank goodness the Senate has acted decisively to pass the Same-Sex Marriage Bill without amendments, thus preventing one form of discrimination being replaced by another. Religious freedom is already sufficiently guaranteed and fully practised in this country. Inviting people into new forms of discrimination by legislating to allow them is counter-productive, and flies in the face of our open and inclusive society. Let’s live and let love. 

James Richards writes: Re. “Passage of Same-sex Marriage Bill through the Senate without amendments” (Wednesday)

Any Senator who’s STATE voted yes should have voted accordingly, similarly the house of Reps should obey the will of their electorate. I know this will annoy a couple of ALP Members, but the right to a conscience vote was forfeited by the vote on the postal survey.