On electric cars
Joe Boswell writes: Re. “No togetherness in Frydenberg’s electric car dreams” (Tuesday)
I enjoyed Bernard Keane’s summary of the way roads are now paid for in Australia, and some of the common myths and misinformation circulating. It’s much the same in the UK, where the Road Fund, created by Lloyd George in 1909, was killed off in 1926 by Winston Churchill for several excellent reasons. Yet the Road Tax lives on in the popular imagination, and, exactly as Churchill predicted, motorists frequently assert their moral ownership of the roads and their superiority over all other users. The whole story is well told here.
On Peter Dutton
Keith Binns writes: Re. “Tracking transparency: Border Force’s record on access and denial” (Tuesday)
We in the refugee advocacy movement have been monitoring Peter Dutton for some time. Where he can be checked, virtually every thing he says is a lie — the Tim Costello call out over Manus was the most obvious, but we have found him to be lying many times.
His Department consistently overspends and tries to conceal what it does. In my view, he is the most dangerous politician in a dangerous government which continues the inter-general theft of negative gearing and the trashing of its children’s and grand children’s future in its refusal to deal realistically with climate change. (The $60 mil for the Great Barrier Reef means nothing if the Reef is bleached and dead.) Fear and loathing is the only rational response to him.
I think a rational response to the creature Dutton other than fear and loathing is being cranked up in his electorate by private citizens and by the likes of Getup! People of good will need to get out there and vote him out when the election comes. Many you g people entitled to vote have not registered and in safe seats this hardly matters but Dutton’s seat is now quite marginal and young people might think about whether they want three more years of him or not.
Many are asking is Peter Dutton a yet to be charged criminal?
I am pleased that the refugee advocacy movement is tracking Dutton. This man is an absolute disgrace and for him to have risen to such a high position says a lot for this despicable LNP government and it’s ineffectual leader Turnbull
It should be asked again and a again , how on earth did this man get to the position he is in ????