On Barnaby Joyce 

Richard writes: Re. “Joyce on the brink after trainwreck question time” (Thursday)
What a farce we were all treated to in Parliamentary Question Time. Even if this beneficent business bud did offer board to Barnaby Beetrooter, he is incredibly imprudent (as if any more proof were required, of course) to have accepted it.

Even if he does not know anything about the $5000 for a government function at this friends drinking establishment, it is going to be practically impossible to convince anybody who counts, including in his electorate (30% of whom have deserted him) that he is in it for them. Looks like BJ has really and truly shot himself in the foot. 

On the new Australian Christian Lobby leadership

Peter Schulz writes: Re. Tips and rumours report today on the ACL’s claim that in SA “a uni student was suspended after praying with a friend”

I read The Advertiser religiously (it helps get me going in the mornings), and I’ve read nothing in it re this – and I’m sure Uncle Rupert’s minions would be blathering over this big time – even if it was only half true.