Irrefutable. Fifteen years ago, not every respected US war correspondent made this assessment of the threat posed by Iraq. Nor did every respected US scholar of international relations. Fifteen years ago, though, respectability could be lost in an instant. To oppose a war that began March 20, 2003 was to oppose freedom, humanity and the low theatre performed by Secretary Colin Powell at the United Nations.
It was to embrace a despot, to collaborate with terrorists and/or to be a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps a person was unconvinced by a drawing of weapons facilities. Perhaps a person knew firsthand that a nation already invaded by the first Bush, one subject to Clinton administration sanctions so extreme they ended half a million Iraqi lives in childhood, simply did not have the means to build such evil. In just weeks, those Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) diagrams offered to the UN Security Council were no longer evidence, but “irrefutable” bullshit drawn from the imagination of some Pentagon doodler. Didn’t matter. Journalists and nations who had joined the Coalition of the Willing found themselves unable to leave.
In Australia, John Howard remained committed to a real Middle-Eastern war that would serve the domestic culture wars from which he had derived his power. Maybe Iraq served a personal Biggles fixation as well? Who knows. We do know, though, that local opposition to the war was not immediately read here as a sign of insanity or dissent. Early editorials in The Australian were publicly dismissed for what they were: upcycled US State Department press releases. The war was despised enough to draw one decent speech from Mark Latham. To describe Australia’s servility to US foreign policy as one maintained by a “conga-line of suckholes” is to excuse at least four of the awful columns he has upchucked in the ensuing 15 years.
In the US, though, things were different. By October 2003, GW Bush had a post-WMD rationale that would not have been uttered in a cynical liberal democracy, such as ours was at the time. Sure, Bush said, he didn’t find those weapons, but he had sure formed the opinion that Hussein, former US ally, was a “madman”. The leader was, as things turned out, pretty powerless. Still. He was in urgent need of mental health care, which the US and its allies would continue to provide.
The brutality in Iraq was reconstituted daily by the posture of US pundits. It seems extraordinary to me that any human adult could argue those who “moralised” against the atrocity were just as bad as those who moralised for it. But the unstintingly average Nicholas Kristof did. Like The Washington Post, The New York Times held for as long as it could to WMD. When those disappeared, writers and broadcasters from “progressive” US outlets performed painful acts of debate-club yoga for years. The arguments are empty and embarrassing: if you don’t like the war and you say so, you’re just as bad as Bush; Iraqi people were begging for it, and look, we found one guy who promised us “sweets and flowers”; if you oppose the devastation of lives and infrastructure, why don’t you just marry Saddam?
That so many Australians protested the invasion and were so quick to counter government claims is to their credit. In 2003, as you may recall, our chief Suckhole had carefully diminished the local possibilities for public debate. That anyone felt able to say anything cranky at all is quite something. That was otherwise a bleak and deceptive era. Dissent was dismissed as elitist and protest by workers, Aboriginal people, asylum seekers or anyone, really, with a legitimate material beef became cultural under Howard. Somehow, the interests of people with almost nothing became “academic”. Got no house or land? Go back to your ivory tower, you elitist.
We everyday Australians tolerated, even believed in, those culture wars, but we did not unequivocally support the Iraq War. Fifteen years ago today, we held on to a little cynicism. Howard managed to delude many with his proto Political Correctness Gone Mad madness, but he couldn’t make us join this particular conga line. Killing civilians. It just felt wrong to a lot of us.
Today, however, US interests have become the interests of Australian pundits. Once, you could say, “Well, I don’t think we should go to war” and you wouldn’t be mistaken for Saddam’s biggest fan. Urge a reading of a Putin speech that does not tally with the local view of the leader as a despotic madman braggard, however, and, well: You’re Just as Bad as a Dictator, I guess.
The US is preparing for conflict with Russia. Mattis has made this plain. Trump’s public defence of Putin may have a curious, perhaps a filthy, origin. The administration remains committed nonetheless to a near-trillion-dollar nuclear program aimed at that nation, and potential allies Iran and China.
Not to be a “moraliser”, which would make me just as bad as a dictator, etc, but I suggest we set aside a moment today to read US foreign policy performance as we did in 2003. Sure, the show is now more elaborate, and the star is prone to forget his lines. But the story is the same.
Keep at it, H, some of us value independence of thought.
Linking to the Kremlin, now? Excellent choice. That’s where I had to go to find the unedited transcript of Megyn Kelly’s latest 2 part interview with Vlad (the 1st part was immediately after the speech you refer to).
By the time Kelly’s employer, NBC, were done with their editing (footage and transcript), about 15% of the original survived. The editor responsible should win an award of some sort (they probably studied the form guide from the last time Kelly went to Moscow, and got trounced).
Note: The Kremlin didn’t initially put up then full transcript of this latest show. They waited until they saw what NBC had done. What’s Russian for ‘Oh, FFS! Again?!
Oh yes. I watched that on rt/ruply. I could not believe what I watching. It was so so bad. Putin’s grace and manners taking the absolutely stupid, repetitive questions made it riveting to watch. That interviewer was so stupid.
The problem with Iraq is not the conquest of the nation –which was swift and precise . It is the mess made the management of the success by the appointment of the incompetent civilians who took over.
The Romans never had the problem as their management of conquest became a smooth routine.
They were exceptionally ‘swift and precise’ in places like Fallujah.
Unfortunately, depleted uranium tends not to travel home with the triumphant victors, and is a long way shy of swift and precise in the aftermath.
Also worth noting that Jim Molan, upon his ascendancy to the Senate, rated his co-command of coalition forces in Fallujah as one of his proudest military moments.
The other co-commander? Another “Jim”: “Mad Dog Matthis”.
The ‘incompetent civilians who took over’ would have needed to be magicians.
Yeah. I didn’t really see those hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths as efficient. Maybe I’m a stickler.
In a not dissimilar vein to your own, H, you may be interested in the effort of Julian Rose, reflecting on the goings on his native Britain:
Organic farmer, Julian. Began organic farming in 1975, when he converted the Hardwick Estate in South Oxfordshire to organic farming.
He was able to do that because he’s the 5th baronet of the Rose of Hardwick. Actually, he’s a double baronet, having later succeeded to the baronetcy of the Rose of Montreal in Canada.
Sir Julian Rose – innit funny how some people turn out?
Agreed. What did Rumsfeld nonchalantly call it from the safety of a naval battleship just over the horizon? “Collateral damage” I think was the term.
“precise” eh. easy to say from your safe home. do you remember the bomb that hit the marketplace full of civilians on the 3rd day of “shock and awe”? precise enough for you? plus countless other examples of what amounted to a full on war crime. bombing a densely inhabited metropolis like that they knew it was never going to be “precise”. that is a callous and totally fucking imperialist thing to say. I’m disgusted by it.
By bizarre coincidence I am currently rereading Adrian Mole & the Weapons of Mass Destruction which gives a wonderful day by day account of bLIAR’s Britain in the run-up to the Coalition of the Shilling.
Seems as fresh as ever.
Des-picable does it again,delivering a diabolical diatribe that doubles-down on dubious and decidedly dreadful dross.
Let’s not forget John Howard’s response to anti-Iraq War whistleblower, Andrew Wilkie. Wilkie had a significant role at ONA in reviewing the threat of Saddam Hussein’s alleged weapons of mass destruction. He decided to risk his career rather than listen to the fairy tales being circulated by Bush/Blair/Howard.
So Howard derided Wilkie as a minor employee of ONA who was unqualified to comment on intelligence – despite the latter being a senior analyst with Top Secret PV clearance. Howard continued to undermine Wilkie’s credibility & reputation aided & abetted by the odious Murdoch rags. Wilkie took a long time to recover his life having truly served his country using facts & honesty to save us from a deadly error of judgement. Howard, on the other hand, dropped us right in it.
Mike Kelly suffered a not dissimilar fate over the ‘Oil for Food’ scandal in Iraq, Zut. Kelly was ‘handled’ by Fishnets Downer at the Cole inquiry.
Hasn’t Fishnets gone on? Now a drinkin’ buddy of dissolute Trumpista, Georgie Papadopolos.
Indeed, what a jolly pair. Water finds its level.
As does scum, always on top.
Right on the button Helen. The Iraq war was not the first time we had followed the Americans into a disastrous misadventure. Vietnam was one earlier example, and currently it is Syria. Lies, obfuscations, half truths are all there, as are the millions dead and displaced as we play our role as the loyal acolyte. What is next? War with China over either the South China Sea or North Korea or both? Perhaps less likely as both have the means for massive retaliation, unlike Iraq.
We are however, as Turnbull put it, joined at the hip, so it would be unwise to rule out any future madness. One of the saddest things is that the “Opposition “ is no less likely to get us embroiled in future wars.
In about 1900 the British needed to dominate the Middle East to secure oil for their battleships that were moving from coal to oil. After WW2 the US had similar strategic issues with securing oil supplies.
Now however the US is the biggest oil/gas producer and that is not the reason for controlling the ME. Meanwhile the Soviets/Russians think it a good idea to control the ME and, like the US, they do not need oil/gas. The Soviet Union was concerned about religious conflict in their southern countries but that is not much of a concern for Russia.
So what is going on? Why spend so many billions? What is the prize?
Gram, an analysis to answer your question would take more space than Crikey comments allow. A good place to start however, is Robert Kennedy Junior’s article Another Pipeline War, published in the Ecologist about three years ago. Not definitive, but useful.
The pipeline is significant but not nearly enough to justify 70 years of very active interference.
Personally I think the answer is connected to Hussein’s program to rebuild Babylon. Why did he think that was a good idea?
GS. The motivations for Iraq are several. As linked in the piece, many Realist foreign policy scholars saw the invasion as dangerous. The general view is that it was an ideological (or liberal faith based) war. See the vile work by vile Samuel Huntington Clash of Civilizations to see how neocons justified their racist bloodlust. (Basically, it goes: they are different to us and we better smash em. No matter that Iraq was a secular state.)
I don’t think we can discount the personal grievances of Baby Bush, here. And, the twit had to do something to get himself re-elected. Distracting the population with distant war is a classic.
Honestly, I find the oil claims unconvincing. More instructive to consider the way in which the US built its post-WWII wealth, I reckon. Eisenhower’s “military industrial complex” is hardly a fabrication. War is the business. Extra oil is a bonus. Appeasing Israel is the cherry on top.
Personally I think it dates back to Herman Oberth, the leading German rocket scientist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Oberth
When asked how the Germans advanced so quickly scientifically he said “we have been helped by the people of other worlds”
If this is true, the question arises: did people from other worlds leave technology in the East where there are so many accounts of flying gods and weapons with the brightness of 10 000 suns?
Are the Russian and Americans trying to recover abandoned technology in the Middle East?
You might enjoy Oswald Spengler’s “fire & ice” theory which prompted his “Decline of the West”.
I still think oil was a part, given the control of key companies by the odious VP Cheney. The result of course as any f wit could have predicted was the rise in power of Shia Islam when the Sunnis lost control and therefore a ride in the power of Iran. So obvious. So now we have two new scum on the block, the Saudis and Erdogan. Where is the support for our allies against ISIS and the only ones with skill and guts ie the Kurds?
Well. There’s support for Kurds, depending on the day and how the US is feeling about Turkey. Sometimes, we find support for Al-Nusra. Sometimes, Al-Nusra, aka Al Qaeda sometimes, is okay (remember Zaky Mallah?) and sometimes it is very good (White Helmets) and sometimes we forget the difference between this group and IS, which has been “defeated”, which may also mean we’re not fighting them anymore because the real devil today is Assad, who was an ally not so long ago and…well. If you can keep up, OGO, good on ya.
The motivations for invasion, oops I mean humanitarian intervention or a Moment of American Leadership or whatever we are calling it this week, are likely as various as the groups enlisted by larger powers to fight. Oops. I mean defend freedom.
(I realise I am conflating two wars here. But, really. That’s not unreasonable.)
Erdogan worries me greatly OGO. He has all the hallmarks of a vicious dictator, and I suspect he will happily blow up the entire country, his or any other he is able to, if it means hanging on to power and ‘keeping the other guy out’.
He worries me as much as Assad, and more than any country or leader in the region.
I just like to keep it simple and worry about the hegemon.
At its most simplest, Gram, the US aspires to control of the ME because it is oil being traded in US$’s that keeps the US$ as the world’s reserve currency. They can’t finance their debt – efficiently – if that changes.
It was US$ primacy that took them to Iraq, because Saddam was looking to trade oil in Euros.
In the case of Russia, it’s proximity to chaos that led Putin to stick his oar in Syria. He actually decided to run again for President in 2012 because he’d ‘missed’ Libya, and the flow on effects.
It was the CIA who sent Osama Bin Laden to Chechnya to sow discord in the ’90’s, as a follow on from his ‘work’ with the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, aimed at the Soviets.
Syria is less than a 100o clicks from the closest Russian border. People forget Russia has a very big Muslim population, both inside Russia and in adjacent countries. A highish number of ISIS recruits came from Russia, and adjacent nations.
Putin knows that allowing US inspired chaos so thrive so close to Russia’s borders is a real threat.
So, he’s dealing with it.
P.S. The CIA also used Osama and co in Yugoslavia in the ’90’s. Refer to Douglas Valentine.
The reason that the US dollar is the “reserve” currency is that it has the only money market big and deep enough to cover the largest transactions.
If it were a matter of Muslims, it would be much cheaper to fortify a border.
I have read this hypothesis and it’s fun. Maybe even partially true. But, again. I’d say there is no single explanation for the war.
Plain old pig ignorant arrogance (OK, that’s 3)?