On live animal exports
Susan Winstanley writes: Re. “Shocked government’s desperate measures to save live exports” (Tuesday)
Yes, an extraordinary outburst from a rookie minister. Ministers who blame their own departments can expect blowback from under resourced public servants — in this case long ignored and underfunded by Barnaby Joyce, who was personally responsible for the wanton destruction of an essential regulator like APVMA. Now they are on the defensive after this pathetic blame shifting, some interesting leaks from inside the department might be expected. The press should stay alert for the phone to ring.
Paul Guy writes: Re. “Shocked government’s desperate measures to save live exports” (Tuesday)
It’s great to see a Minister ready to stand up and kick his department right up the backside. Live animal exports has long been a source of great cruelty to animals, and the exporters don’t care if thousands of animals die, they just collect the insurance dollars. Jail them.
Re the APVMA fiasco, why don’t Turnbull and Little proud acknowledge the obvious, stop to throwing good money after bad, and reverse the decision. You know, in the national interest and all that.