In a world when media is desperate for trust, no-one does it better than the ABC. Look at any trust index.
Ad-free, the ABC has always sat where all media now want to be: fully focused on the audience. But in the free-wheeling attention-grabbing world of the internet, you can’t simply rely on broadcasting quality programming. The ABC needs something more; it needs compelling content that pulls the audience in.
But that’s not how the ABC has done things in the past. Rather, trust was built on consistency. It was sustained through an internal management-driven culture of cautious restraint, a “no surprises, no offence” approach to audiences and stake-holders alike.
Sure, they’ve wanted their broadcasters, producers, journalists to be creative, but never at the expense of standards and consistent quality. And, above all, they were always conscious of the needs for “balance” however that may be defined from time to time.
It’s that cultural tension between cautious restraint and creativity that makes the ABC’s actions seem so bizarre: one moment, they’re methodically breaking good stories out of leaked documents; the next they’re almost grovelling in a rush to return the filing cabinet of secrets.
One moment the Alberici commentary on corporate tax is right, then it’s wrong, then right again and finally, it’s just somewhere in between, depending on who’s asking.
The ABC is not alone in this tension. The stronger the institution, the greater the disruption. Earlier this month, Vanity Fair reported on similar tensions in what it called “the woke civil war at The New York Times.”
For decades the ABC approach worked: day in, day out, the ABC produced consistent quality interspersed with the simply remarkable. Across television, radio and on-line, it draws the sort of diverse audience any media institution would kill to have.
Yet, in the ABC, the official management survey shows that the key measure on staff alignment with the culture — staff “engagement” — is slumping and a union survey has lifted the lid on extraordinary stress levels.
That’s what you get when the risk adverse culture of management clashes with the necessarily creative culture of production that the new media world demands.
The risk averse culture is clearest in the organisation’s fraught relationship with its ultimate legal owner – the government. It’s fraught because members of the government (and their media supporters) fear and fund the ABC in equal measure. As Howard adviser Graeme Morris famously described it: “the ABC is our enemies talking to our friends.”
That’s led to an accepted truism within the organisation: the ABC should never, ever openly embarrass the government by asking for money. To an outsider, the 8 cents a day campaign by 1980s managing director David Hill remains a triumph of political messaging. In the folk memory of ABC management, it was an unadulterated disaster that embarrassed the government of the day. And later, if not sooner, an embarrassed government extracts a price.
In the culture of cautious restraint, the default response to complaints is to buy them off as politically cheaply as possible. So the filing cabinet is returned; resources are thrown at responding to a profoundly trivial list of complaints, a journalist is censured for an edgy tweet, a controversial commentator is no longer asked onto programs.
Even otherwise provocative actions are shaped through the culture of cautious restraint. So, the Triple J Hottest 100 is not moved from Australia Day as a political statement. It’s moved because leaving it on Australia Day had become its own statement.
But what management see as cautious restraint, creative staff see as caving to outside pressure. Worse, they see themselves as pawns sacrificed in the game of government relations.
Former managing director Mark Scott responded with a strategy of appreciation with congratulatory notes and public applause. He created a sense that he genuinely liked and respected the work that ABC staff were creating. It’s hard to remember how rare this was before Scott.
Staff say that, internally at least, Guthrie has continued this practice, particularly with female staff. But the strategy of appreciation doesn’t scale. And when it clashes with the culture of cautious restraint, well, as management guru Peter Drucker says: “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
Well, Christopher, I am beginning to think that the ABC should be dissolved, cut, upended, or revamped into something useful. What that maybe I cannot say at this point.
Once upon a time the ABC for me was the only source of information I could accept as accurate. At one point going back many years I was film reviewing in Canberra for ABC radio in the early 1970s and the I broadcast from the ANU’s 2XX-FM when the FM band was opened up by the government under Malcolm Frazer to report on Australian and US current affairs for 3 hours every Wednesday 9:00am -12:00pm. I was on the steps of old parliament house when Whitlam was dismissed and for his “May God save the Governor-General” speech. The ABC had its shortcomings then but more so it seems now.
Today it seems it has become worse because I have a comparison. After 33years in America — news on PBS television and National Public Radio despite the US government funding both were and are accurate to a “T’. Self-censorship was not an issue in both those programme bases. Meaning if someone in power didn’t like the reporting there was very little they could do about it. But the reporting was always accurate.
Since my return in 2010 and for the last eight years, the ABC appears to me that it no longer trusts itself and worse for me is that the presentation of news and areas where it encouraged public discourse borders on mental suffocation leading to brain death.
In early morning TV news is at the level of Mickey Mouse and Goofy. I find being talked down to and being spoon fed for three hours by two people who often make stupid and careless remarks without being mindful that words — no matter how off-hand — do carry with them consequences. Fortunately when I get irritated I switchover to the international channels on my satellite broadcaster to get news in real-time.
I just don’t trust the ABC to deliver news accurately anymore because political interpretation is included as part of the presentation. The Canberra continent of ABC news reporters or analysts — they don’t specify which — usually are presenting the latest political news along with their interpretation as if it were gospel. They really come off as if they are casting pearls before us swine. It’s the arrogance and the righteousness as if they “know” more than us.
Maybe it is the News24 syndrome of dishing it out endlessly throughout the day but it lacks discernment in my view and it’s becomes tedious, but I am sick of it. Also ABC News as the 24 hour news channel is a bit of joke. It stops broadcasting live at about 1:00am and then we get either the BBC or alJazeera English (the better channel off the two) alternating each hour until the ABC starts broadcasting live again at 6:00pm.
As to Emma Alberici. I have always found her reporting accurate and her interviews insightful. I wonder if she would have preferred to stay on in London rather than come back to Australia. I suggest she quits the ABC and join alJazeera English — Peter Greste’s and Hamish Macdonald’s old network. She could and would use her talents better there. Alberici — as they say in America — is getting shafted and it’s really ugly.
In conclusion perhaps the ABC should be split up into two. News and Documentaries each on separate channels and several Drama channels to cover kids and indigenous. I just cannot see the reason for keeping the whole mish-mash as one. But at this time as a whole it’s becoming pretty unwatchable.
I think you meant “The Canberra contingent of ABC news reporters…” and a couple of other typos. suggest more passion than punctilious key poundings in this well thought out piece.
Every point a winner, great writing with appropriate passion that is appreciated.
You need to push Mitch Fifield off the bench and run on as minister.
Wouldn’t that be a treat after the procession of duds in that portfolio.
Good that you brought Graham Morris into the story, that quote sums up pretty succinctly the relationship between the LNP and the ABC, and the ABC is stupid enough to give that twat a voice on air quite regularly – when he really ought to banned outright to stew in his own cankerous juices.
Looks like my comment on O’Dwyer appearing on Insiders yesterday and Roskam to appear on Q&A tonight was moderated, but neither of these people deserve an appearance on the ABC to vent their propaganda un-challenged (OK Cassidy did challenge O’Dwyer repeatedly, but surely he would have fully expected that she would duck and weave and avoid the truth as she always does)….For me when the ABC presents people like this the TV goes straight off, I would prefer the ABC strive to present me with truth and honesty.
The Kelly O’Dwyer appearance was a massive own goal for the Libs.
Is the gutter “ratings” audience – competing for “news as entertainment” – the one the ABC should be going after?
Is the ABC charter really about promoting where to find the outpourings of the tabloid press – when we already know where to find such “opinion as news” effluent?
Guthrie’s “reasoning” with the truncated and dumbed down news is reported to be ‘leaving the audience wanting more’ FFS!
And what do we do when we want more?
GO. SOMEWHERE. ELSE in search!
Apart from a few programmes still worth watching the once good ABC is now almost fucked. Rupert Murdoch has won. One next election the NewsCrap organisation and its muppets will support the LNP no matter what.
I support all the above comments and thank the writers. We have lost a good friend. The ABC was like an old mate. Ahhh.hh………
When Trioli took on Peter Reith (and won), back in 2001, over the “Children Overboard”, she just didn’t take on the Gov, she took on practically every media outlet of the time. Was there a single journalist in the tabloids and on the TV that didn’t have capital invested in the lie? The banking RC is stamped with similar hallmarks, and Cassidy’s questions to O’Dwyer should just be the beginning. So, don’t give-up on the ABC just yet.