Ask a person in the street how they know politicians are lying and, more likely than not, they’ll reply: “Because their lips are moving”.
Unfair? Sure. Politicians are mostly honourable people. So journalists have to take a more nuanced approach; we report that politicians “mis-speak”, they “over-promise” or, in Winston Churchill’s words, use “terminological inexactitudes”. Now, journalists are being called out on these overly generous circumlocutions. If it’s a lie, social media demands it be called one.
The “lie” debate recently exploded in the US after a tweet from The New York Times’ political correspondent Maggie Haberman: “Trump told two demonstrable falsehoods this AM …”
Twitter blew up (you’ll find some of the most interesting and funniest responses here). Haberman’s language was lampooned, and a debate followed about the weight and importance of the word “lie”.
Although Australia hasn’t (yet) had a political leader with the Trumpian propensity for “demonstrable falsehoods”, public attitudes to Australian politicians as a group are no more favourable. The to-and-fro would be familiar to anyone who’s spent any time on #auspol during the long-running Barnaby Joyce saga. Government ministers are returning fire too, alleging “falsehood” at the ABC in a variation of the Trumpian “fake news” attack on the media.
Politicians play on this, happy to take some short-term political gain for their party in exchange for the long-term reputational damage to the political class. Catchphrases like “Ju-liar” and “Unbelieva-Bill” are workshopped through social media for cheap laughs.
But in journalism, there’s something too definitive about “lie” when many of the statements of politicians more likely fall somewhere on that long continuum between absolute truth and out-and-out lie.
Take pre-election promises: “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead” or “No cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to the GST and no cuts to the ABC or SBS”. Determining where statements like these fall on the truth-lie continuum depends on an understanding of context, understanding how the commitment aligns with other promises (implementing an ETS, achieving budget surplus) and an analysis of the concrete political situation.
The media highlights the contradiction between pre- and post-election statements, but their real job is to bring contextual understanding. Calling them “a lie” means knowing the unknowable: was there a deliberate intent to mislead? That’s a matter of political judgement, not journalism. It might put the press gallery out of step with #auspol, but that’s journalism.
Journalists can also get it wrong in their over enthusiastic embrace of Gotcha! moments, when political predictions turn out to be fundamentally mistaken. Of course, who can’t enjoy replays of: “And the High Court will so hold” or “rolled gold guarantee”? Or the old perennial — shared across the parties — of gilded budget forecasts?
They’re a bit too easy; a substitute for proper context and in the online world, #auspol does it better than the #MSM can.
In politics, the greatest lies come masqueraded as truths, with politicians playing definitional games to suggest just about everything is a shade of grey. Most famously, Clinton: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”, relying on a 16-year-old’s definition of “sexual relations”. Or, in the current, Australian context: when does a partner become a Partner?
When politicians play these definitional games, journalists can fall back on the “he said, she said” gambit, with all its limitations and flaws. Now, there’s an added problem: the cry of “fake news” has become the go-to defensive play, a cry that is all about undermining public confidence in the media. One of the many lessons from the Trump experience, is that politicians can weaponise their political support against journalism. The monthly complaints to the ABC are about undermining its credibility with the party base and bullying it into a more compliant attitude.
Unfortunately, the media lacks the public trust to resist. The ABC has more trust than most, but as the budget cuts show is also more directly vulnerable. And that’s before we get to Australian defamation laws.
We’re going to have to leave the “lies” to the political argy-bargy, with journalists stuck with calling out “terminological inexactitudes” as “demonstrable falsehoods”.
What BS.
I expect journalists to be a little more (nay, much more) discerning . If we the voter can see the lie surely you can report the lie. Nuanced my arse. There’s nothing subtle about this lot. This political class now knows only one way forward and Trump is leading the way. When has a politician disguised the truth as a lie? The big lie is disguised by the the smaller one – there’s no truth twixt the two.
Get out and report the lies and stop trying to paper over the cracks in your morality by disguising opinion pieces as reporting.
The “Non-core Promises Dogfarter”?
“Children Overboard”? “Why we have to invade Iraq”? “Interest rates will always be lower under a Limited News Party government”?
Eleven+ years of practice?
Don’t know why barnaby’s photo heads this article, his and our fearless leader is heaps worse, pants on fire nearly every time he opens his mouth. Insincere is perhaps another useful euphemism.
“When politicians play these definitional games, journalists can fall back on the “he said, she said” gambit, with all its limitations and flaws”
And you guys do, and it is INFURIATING.
The right-wing gets away with so much because instead of engaging in analysis, most Australian political journalists DO just say “Labor says this about negative gearing, but Malcolm Turnbull says they’re being ideological and that Labor’s negative gearing policy will be a wrecking ball through the economy” and leave it there. There is a real lack of effort at calling out bullshit.
Malcolm Turnbull makes a hysterical claim like that, it is your duty to point out his own past statements on negative gearing, to point out what economic experts say and to point out the lack of evidence he has given for his claim.
It’s amazing how easy the press gallery found it to call out “Mediscare” but not to do the same for the Coalition’s many and varied campaigns of bullshit.
This article is truly defending the indefensible. Australian political journalism in the past decade has been awful, start working on improving it instead of making excuses.
The irony is that ‘Mediscare’ had a bigger kernel of truth than most claims by political parties. The Coalition have since started privatising other government services by contracting out call centres for Immigration and Centrelink, and there is no reason to believe that they wouldn’t be doing it also for Medicare if they hadn’t been called out for it so effectively by the ALP.
Yep and Shorten did not say “rolled gold guarantee” it was said by the journo asking him questions,even the person writing this article still cant get away from Labor bashing,this really has to stop!
“Although Australia hasn’t (yet) had a political leader with the Trumpian propensity for “demonstrable falsehoods””
Come on, time to be real. We have a government that is incapable of not lying.