Scott Johnson's 1988 death is one of the cases being investigated.


A review of 88 historic, suspicious deaths in Sydney has found that 27 cases were the result of confirmed or suspected “homosexual bias”, with another 23 remaining unsolved.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that NSW Police’s “Strike Force Parrabell” will today release a full report into its three-year investigation into Sydney deaths between 1976 and 2000. All 12 of the report’s recommendations, including revised bias crime indicator assessment tools, ongoing ethical and cultural training around LGBTIQ experiences, and upgrades to electronic case file archiving, will be implemented.


Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has made a “captain’s call” to repeal most of the Coalition’s company tax cuts if Labor wins power at the next election, in a move that will see him vulnerable to attacks from the business community.

According to The Guardian, Shorten has confirmed that a future Labor government would repeal already-legislated cuts for businesses earning between $10 million and $50 million, while maintaining cuts for smaller businesses. And as The Sydney Morning Herald reports, since the cuts have gone through, the Coalition and business lobbyists have been quick to hit out at what now technically counts as a $15 billion to $20 billion over a decade “tax hike”.


Australia is out the 2018 FIFA World Cup, after a devastating 2-0 loss to Peru in an otherwise tight game. The ABC reports that, despite commanding much of the game, the Socceroos lost out to two goals from Paolo Guerrero and André Carrillo. If it’s any consolation to what was quite a devastating loss, Australia could not have advanced to the final 16 anyway after France drew with Denmark 0-0.



Peter Dutton: We need to secure our borders so that we can keep our country safe.

[Tanya Plibersek interjects]

Peter Dutton: I hear an interjection from the African Queen of–

Speaker: No! The minister will withdraw.

Peter Dutton: I withdraw. Aspiration is not a location within Africa, just to clarify for the honourable member opposite. This has been a very confusing week for the honourable member opposite.

Peter Dutton

The Home Affairs Minister delivers an incredibly confusing insult against Deputy Labor Leader Tanya Plibersek.


“On June 20, the Bishop of Parramatta, Vincent Long Van Nguyen, broke ranks with Australia’s Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC), calling for an end to dithering over its response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse… In this, Long, underscored the stasis in which the Australian church finds itself and how deeply it is split, like the church worldwide, at the highest levels.”

“How easy it is to sit in a comfy chair in academia, or in an editor’s office, or in an investment bank, and be an inflation hawk? No risk of losing your job, and even if you did you’d walk into a gig somewhere else. No concerns about meeting mortgage repayments, or how to pay bills if your partner lost their job. Your only exposure to the problem of housing affordability is working out how much money you can lend the kids.”

“Last Friday, Anthony ‘Albo’ Albanese made a speech. Since then, many public persons have reviewed its content, but have had little to say about its quality. This is a bit of a shame. Or, at least, it is a shame for me or any person like me whose interest in what centrist politicians have to say is diminished by the fact of having already heard them say it often. I am not curious to learn what I already know: this politician is very keen on (a) economic growth and (b) personally delivering that economic growth to the nation. I am now curious to learn if they expressed this artistically or well.”


Fiery scenes in WA Parliament as women MPs reveal colleagues’ offensive behaviour

Gunner government reshuffle met with criticism ($)

Supreme Court upholds Trump’s travel ban, delivering endorsement of presidential power

Police wish to speak with two people who may have seen gunmen flee after bar shooting ($)

Banking royal commission: Bob Katter interrogates commissioner Hayne on farming finance

Adelaide woman faces 11-year wait to see a doctor — after waiting a year already ($)

Poker player folds and admits to $72 million Ponzi scheme

Former lover of Cecilia Haddad officially wanted for her murder ($)

Renewable energy set to supply one-third of market needs by 2020

Defamation laws face overhaul as MP warns of ‘weaponisation’ by authoritarian states

Senate push for national plastic ban in five years



  • Huawei chairman John Lord will discuss Australia’s response to the rise of technology and innovation across China.

  • Former union boss David Smith, who has replaced Katy Gallagher in the Senate, will make his maiden speech.

  • The Auditor-General will table two reports, the first into the “Efficiency of Veterans’ Service Delivery By the Department of Veterans’ Affairs”, and the second into “Cyber Resilience”.

  • A public inquiry into visa cancellations will hear from representatives of the Department of Home Affairs.

  • ACS will launch its “Digital Pulse Report 2018”, an examination of Australia’s innovation ecosystem, with a keynote speech from Federal Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Digital Transformation Michael Keenan.

  • Pathology Awareness Australia will release “Diabetes Testing Central to Avoiding Blowouts in Healthcare Costs”, a report into the value of pathology in managing diabetes.


  • A parliamentary hearing into the proposed privatisation of the land titles registry will hear from the Law Institute of Victoria.

  • Victoria’s Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford will announce “Right to Farm” planning reforms.

  • Author and former director of the Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation Mark Baker will present “The Wars of the Jews: Zionism, Antisemitism & Anti-Zionism” at the Rai Gaita Wednesday Lectures. Future speakers will include Crikey contributors Helen Razer, with “The Personal is Ideological: #MeToo and the end of Political Feminism” next Wednesday, and Shakira Hussein, with “Navigating the binary between speech and silence: Muslim women in post-9/11 Australia” July 18.

  • Nayuka Gorrie, Natalie Ironfield, Crystal McKinnon and Dhakshy Sooriyakumaran will speak on “Dismantling white supremacy in the NGO sector: is it even possible?” at a panel discussion.


  • Day three of the Legislative Council’s Estimates Committee will hear from the Minister for Energy, Resources, Building and Construction and Veterans’ Affairs Guy Barnett; and Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Corrections, Arts, and the Environment Elise Archer.


  • Day one of the two-day NSW Affordable Housing Conference, to include speeches from NSW Social Housing Minister Pru Goward and Deputy Opposition Leader Michael Daley.

  • NSW Police will officially hand down findings for “Strike Force Parrabell”, a review of historical deaths potentially motivated by LGBTIQ-hate.

  • A special Labor conference briefing will be held ahead of the ALP Annual State Conference.


  • The banking royal commission will continue examining farming finance, with an ANZ executive to finish giving evidence of a Landmark acquisition, before a Queensland cattle farmer tells of her experience with Rabobank.


  • Public hearings continue in SA’s Murray-Darling Basin royal commission.

  • The National Association for the Visual Arts Ltd will host panel discussion “What’s Holding Us Back? Frameworks for Artist-Led Futures”.


  • The WA Department of Communities and Department of Health will appear at the Public Accounts Committee hearing to hear whether recommendations from a 2016 Auditor-General report have been adopted.

  • The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority and associated departments and agencies will hold an information session on transparency in offshore petroleum.


  • The NT Department of Trade, Business and Innovation will hold a workshop on business opportunities predicted to come from the National Disability Insurance Scheme.


Coal joy and the base-loads – “dancing around the party room”Sophie Vorrath (RenewEconomy): “‘Are you prepared to build or subsidise a new coal-fired power station?’ If he was asked that question once today, federal energy minister Josh Frydenberg was asked it a thousand times. And a thousand times he didn’t answer it. Why is this important? Because the Coalition right wing, for whom the carbon price, the emissions intensity scheme, the clean energy target have been sacrificed or discarded, need to be told they might have one under the final, total compromise, the National Energy Guarantee.”

Blair Cottrell and the problem of male aggression — Clementine Ford (SMH/Daily Life): “I thought of this again this week after watching footage of admitted far-right fascist, Blair Cottrell, as he and a group of similarly hate-filled men harassed and physically intimidated a street performer on the streets of Melbourne. The footage was posted online by Cottrell, and shows him and the other men aggressively circling the performer, screeching threats at him and accusing him of being a paedophile because, wait for it, he was wearing a pink leotard in front of children.”


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