Liberal preselectors for the blue ribbon seat of Wentworth are furious about the withdrawal of front-runner Andrew Bragg just three days before Thursday’s vote, throwing the party into fresh turmoil.
“He had the numbers, now it’s a reset,” one senior Liberal told Crikey. Losing the seat will reduce the government’s majority to the speaker’s casting vote.
Whether true or not, Bragg, 32, who quit his job at the Business Council of Australia to run and then just as suddenly pulled out three days ahead of the vote, claimed that he pulled his candidacy because he thought a woman should run.
The brief days of Bragg’s candidacy coincided with the women of the Liberal party shining a light on the Coalition’s “woman problem” — shrinking representation in parliament and multiple accusations of bullying during Turnbull ousting.
“I have seen and witnessed some appalling behaviour, that in a law firm I would never have accepted but in Parliament, it’s the norm,” recently departed foreign minister Julie Bishop said after stepping down from the front bench, calling for a “much broader debate about workplace culture”. At the same time she noted Australia’s ranking for the percentage of women parliamentarians had plunged in recent years.
Bishop’s timing, appeared squarely directed at her party’s 210 preselectors for Wentworth.
Meanwhile, Bragg was shown polling that a Liberal bloke in Wentworth would struggle to hold onto the seat — and he may well have decided that it could be political death to lose it.
The same polling claimed that a woman stood a far greater chance. But, ultimately, as good as the message that selecting more women sends, it has to be the right woman. The question is, would the gamble pay off for the Libs in Wentworth?
Top of mind for Liberals will be the state party’s stunning byelection loss in Wagga Wagga last weekend. Their candidate, Julia Ham fell to independent Joe McGirr in a seat the party has held for 60 years, as it has Wentworth. The swing against the Libs was an eye-watering 29%. There were multiple factors at play, but Ham was certainly one. Polling has shown the federal leadership change was another.
Unfortunately, Liberal Party insiders admit that none of the three women who have put their hats in the ring for Wentworth are star candidates either.
Woollahra councillor Mary-Lou Jarvis was seen as an early second favorite after Bragg, but that appears to have changed. Now, Katherine O’Regan, president of the NSW Liberal Women’s Council and the Sydney East Business Chamber, appears to have the momentum. This is due to her backing by Liberal Party moderate powerbroker Michael Photios, who, with Turnbull himself, had been backing Bragg. The other woman bidding for the party’s endorsement is rheumatologist and provocative blogger Maxine Szramka.
All have little name recognition outside party and council circles and face the prospect of looking like also-rans next to former Australian Medical Association chief and local GP Kerryn Phelps, who is expected to run as an independent. Labor candidate Tim Murray, a political moderate and successful businessman, had already launched his campaign and has the backing of Turnbull’s son Alex.
The Liberal women line up against Dave Sharma, former ambassador to Israel, who, despite being parachuted in from the North Shore, appears to be the preferred candidate. Then there’s former member Peter King, 64, a barrister who was rolled for preselection by Turnbull in 2004. King, in turn had rolled the previous sitting member Andrew Thomson in 2001, and King rather oddly launched his comeback bid with the help of disgraced former Premier Barry O’Farrell.
Rounding out the field are personable public relations player Carrington Brigham, surgeon Michael Feneley and another Woollahra councilor, Richard Shields.
On the backfoot, with polling too close for comfort, do the Liberals roll the dice with O’Reagan — said by some to be a so-so campaigner — or pick a more polished player like Sharma? Or does a dark horse come through the crowded field?
Whoever wins, it’s unlikely they will want Scott Morrison to make much of an appearance (if any at all), given his no vote for gay marriage, evangelical Christianity and possible role in Turnbull’s demise.
As Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull relax in whichever swank noshery in whatever glamorous, faraway place they happen to be in, one can only think they will be soaking up a reassuring sense of schadenfreude.
“Bishop’s timing, appeared squarely directed at her party’s 210 preselectors for Wentworth.” What a remarkable conclusion to draw…surely her timing was determined by the rolling of Turnbull, the spill and her unsuccessful tilt at the leadership. Bishops hypocrisy is there for all to see. Her continued proclamations of not being a Feminist and thereby pardoning herself from commenting during the demolition of Gillard by Abbott were a clear indication that she’s no member of “the Sisterhood” but rather just another pissed off aspirant sitting in the mob behind Morrison.
“Can a woman save Wentworth for the Libs?”- NO.
Why are women always called so-so campaigners and not as “polished” as men? What evidence are you basing this on? It is it just a gut feeling by some that the men would be better on the campaign trail? This is how unconscious bias works against women. Expected better from Crikey.
“Can a woman save Wentworth for the Libs?” No
And if one did what would be the point? Ley and Henderson moved and seconded a motion to cease the live sheep export trade but failed to vote on Monday for this matter to be discussed. Gichuhi and Reynolds have failed to speak up in the Senate about allegations of bullying by colleagues. If they are so willing to comply with the pale, stale, male values of the Lib men why not just have men?
I was so disappointed when Ley and Henderson failed to go forward with their objections to live exports. Just proved once again that integrity is completely absent from the parliament we have been sentenced to endure. They are even worse than those members who wholeheartedly support this disgusting and unnecessary trade – at least those people don’t pretend to have scruples. A pox on them all. And now Labor supports the TPP. Words really do fail me.
Mr Bragg made a bunch of grand sounding claims about women, but the real reason he withdrew was as mentioned – he didn’t want to saddle up on a losing horse. Just as with Ley and Henderson, he’s just shown that a Liberal will ALWAYS put self interest first.
Bragg’s got his eye on a Senate seat. There is a limit to one’s alturism
So he hasn’t much to Bragg about?
Alan Bennett the British playwright wrote “History is a commentary on the various and continuing incapabilities of men. What is history? History is women following behind with the bucket.”
― The History Boys “
Great quote! Thanks for sharing. I love Alan Bennett and hadn’t seen the history boys. Spot on!