I just found out I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. The visiting British royal couple were kind enough to point this out and they may do the same for you. To learn if you are likable, look in Their Highnesses’ direction. Then, look at your response. If it is indifferent, hostile, irritated, queasy or short of sentimental, you are probably not a cup of tea at all. Not without a lot of sugar, or stevia — a vile herb that tastes like saccharine, but healthier and worse.
Sweeten up with a sugar substitute. Become a sweet, sentimental creature fit to survive this sentimental time. This may be a useful and profitable lesson. It may result in you being liked by important people, or perhaps just people who admire important people. Either way, sentimentality is as it has been before: a refuge sought by many when times get uncertain and tough.
Christopher Caudwell was 30 when the Spanish fascists took the life he’d volunteered for freedom, but he left his texts behind. He writes of the Great Depression, an era not unlike our own. Underemployment and poverty produced by the “laissez-faire” protection of wealth by the state got folks acting weird, divided and cultish. Or, as Caudwell has it, liable “to the mass-hatreds of war and anti-semitism” and to “religion, hate, patriotism, fascism” to the “pathetic Royal Jubilee” and to “the sentimentality of films and novels”.
This feels familiar to me, a bitter cup of tea. It is certainly familiar to the British monarchy, which dissolves the minute people stop feeling sentimental about it. Sentimentality is familiar to most people who know a thing or two about getting into any part of the power business. It doesn’t appear familiar to the many people bang up for the most Deeply Moving whatever. There is no other way to explain the universally uncritical reception of Nanette, a decent enough one-woman show with few jokes but many dodgy “truths”, the one about jokes being the worst way to recover from trauma among these. Someone should tell a generation of Jewish stand-up comedians, or the Holocaust survivors who laughed at Mel Brooks dressed as Hitler.
The audience for this tragedy will not brook such statements, though. They will say that Nanette will change things. Don’t ask them what. Not ever. Caudwell has the answer, anyhow. He says they seek the “satisfaction of all the rich emotional capabilities and social tenderness” of which they have been deprived.
The ethno-nationalists do use sentimentality as their instrument, too. To some, the voice and face of Pauline Hanson are sure to suggest raw and real emotion and not, as they do to me, a put-on, or at best, like the woman who just realised her hairdresser has deceived her about age-appropriate colour for years. As for true fascists: get a load of Goebbels. Absolute power knows sentimental power absolutely.
The sentimental time is taught with by the Duchess of Sussex. She doesn’t do much and says less than even a typically quiet Her Highness. But the Buck House people don’t make too many mistakes and they have been very carefully constructing Meghan as an “activist” and a rebel and a breath of fresh air and proof that the British aren’t racist. She represents all those things the mother to the seventh heir to the throne can simply not be at all.
Still, Australian press lose their shit and say “Meghan baked banana bread” or “stepped off the plane in Dubbo wearing a pair of Gold Coast-designed, ethically sourced jeans” and rejoice that Australia “gets” to congratulate her first for getting up the duff.
None of these accounts are in the Woman’s Day. All of them are reported by the ABC, which has no obligation to use this sort of speech. Nor did the artistic director for the Melbourne Writers’ Festival, who told press nonetheless in the few interviews granted that now was not the time for anything but heart-bursting joy, or what have you.
And, I’m sorry. But what the sentimental shellfish is this? I have read the entire book just to double check it didn’t have ideas in it. It didn’t, but it does contain an open letter from a feminist mother to her son. “My darling boy,” it begins. “The first thing you need to know is that I love you. My love for you is a constantly evolving creature. It has made its home in my heart.”
The liberal elites and semi-elites are not just persuaded that their own sentimental feelings should be heeded uncritically, but that others need these sentimental displays as guidance. I’m sure that somewhere, there are some honest high-profile liberal ladies saying that this stuff is sickly sweet and stupid. But I’m also pretty sure they believe it is good for the little people.
It’s not good for the little people. It is not good to fancy Highnesses and it is unspeakable to think, as many seem to, that Meghan has made a single thing better for any woman of colour, or any divorcee. Or that she is an “activist”. She is a sentimentalist. She is pretty and she says sentimental things about the power of sentimental feelings. And bakes banana bread and wears sustainable jeans.
If you, like me, remain a bitter cup of tea, you have my sympathy. It must be nice to not feel, as we all are, profoundly alienated. It must feel nice to feel that your feelings matter so very much.
Couldn’t agree more …. and I have also long been aware that i’m probably not most people’s cup of tea … grinches and bah humbug folks of the world are definitely in the minority, the sentimental majority no doubt think that is a good thing.
Primarily People like Megan because she’s pretty, if she didn’t look good in designer gear, they wouldn’t turn out in huge crowds, they’d ignore her like most people ignore Camilla, or write mean stories about her in New Idea
Thanks for the Caudwell link HR. I’ll enjoy that I think, and will pass it on to my socialist/marxist/anarchist university-student son (we can’t really choose, I’d go for anarchist but it would never work, I’d go for Marxist but is less a political ideology than a critique of why capitalism is self-destructive, so that sort of leaves socialism as the only viable option).
We didn’t live through the pre WWII period, nor the dark ages, but this period of history leaves one with an uncanny feeling that we have been through it all before.
Well Dog’s Breakfast, sounds like you have a very intelligent, socially conscious son there. Good to see there are millennials out there showing us there is some hope for the future, given the current fascist trends in society!
Surely the problem is the mawkish & excessive coverage by the Oz media rather than the royals themselves.
Just what I was thinking as I read this article (it’s not their fault if the media is mawkish in its coverage). Also that they actually seem quite good
“role models” in a world without many, why gripe about them just doing their job. Making lots of money for Dubbo and promoting the Invictus Games.
Helen is a serial griper and appears to admit its in her DNA so its not personal… This is fairly mild griping for the poor miserable lass… Royalty is a fascinating construct as are peoples reaction to it but either way Harry and Meghan seem like nice enough folks just going about their day jobs!
“just going about their day jobs!”
Strewth! This shit has been going on for two millennia and is the reason the Romans built the colosseum. Give the masses what they want – “Bread and Circuses”! Amazing that since Constantine alledgedly converted to Christianity on his death bed, leading to Christianity becoming the only Roman religion allowed. This resulted in the persecution of pagans and the destruction of classical buildings, statues and other classical ‘icons’ by Christian thugs during the Dark Ages!
For some people royalty is a religion.
Yes, the ruling classes know how to play to the masses and keep the plebs in check! Another cracker Helen!
These games are financed by arms manufacturers , who want to keep up the cannon fodder without which they could not sell their bombs, guns etc.Never mind that these military victims are damaged in different ways.
Don’t be unkind – Dallas the series is finished , Days of Our Lives , is gone what remains are the real life Soapies – The Royal Family, the world’s longest running soapie trumps the Bachelor , Batchelorette. So they have given a gig to a foreign TV actor, who really has experience in memorising appropriate lines. So it may bring some professional experience and expertise to the show. Also right on cue the breeding season continues – Kate has done her share now it is Meghan’s turn to be followed in the next episode by Eugenie.
In the meantime one can be assured – they will go back to where they have come from.
Helen, don’t waste your talent. Turn your acerbic gaze elsewhere.
Really? I find it fascinating to look at the culture for a clue. I get why those archaeology people are excited to find a frieze, or what have you. I went to Efes in Turkey when I was a kid backpacker. The most interesting planning feature was the sewerage and the brothel was the most interesting building. It had the most lovely mosaic of the four somethings (graces?) but it had stories other than those I had heard at high school about Rome. I was also quite freaked to learn that day that the Romans had invented concrete, and then nobody used it in major construction again for, what, 1700 years or some rot.
So concrete, sex work and toilets. I learned more about Rome in learning about these things from human and written guides than I will learn until I finally read that book about the Roman debt crisis. ( I really don’t know much. But I do know how cultural objects can help us understand a time and place.)
If we look in the dirt of the present and spot a few truths, these are worth the effort of excavation , in my view. The popular and ordinary things listed here are not to my taste, but this doesn’t mean they are beneath us.
I am sorry you didn’t like the post today.
Sorry, I’m just trying to hide under a stone till it’s all over. But I always read your column…
I understand, I think. You have the monarchy allergy and are not yourself?
Helen “I really don’t know much” say it all. Most people I meet never have to read or question, they know the certainty of everything having been born into the most superior race on the planet, just look at these magnificent royals, the pure embodiment of white supremacy.
I’m watching Dancing Queen on netflix where the central character speaks about his grandmother, she told me that she never had a daughter who won Miss Texas but was glad she had a grandson who did. Maybe if Helen’s mum didn’t wish she was different so she would fit in supporting her difference things would be much better. I saw her in the show previous the Nanette and was left shell shocked all I wanted to do was give her a hug and didn’t see the funny side of the show nor the rest of my family but the crowd luved it as they do. You don’t have to think much in this society.
Juvenal is acerbic about the corruption , greed and overindulgence of his age.