nationals abc
Nationals Leader Michael McCormack.


Howard-era Nationals leaders Tim Fischer and John Anderson have urged Barnaby Joyce and federal MPs to stymie an internal push to replace Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the call to fix the “trust deficit” with voters comes as Nationals MPs count votes for a spill that could occur as early as next Tuesday. Nationals MP Michelle Landry has since maintained that McCormack had the support of the party room, but predicted that Joyce would “at some stage of his career” return to the leadership.

A number of Liberal MPs are reportedly furious over the growing turmoil, as the party begins to sweat over the (historically) safe seat of Wentworth tomorrow.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has insisted there is no current evidence that relocating Australia’s Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would result in planned violence, after news emerged that ministers were warned by ASIO of potential fallout from the diplomatic shift.

The Guardian, which broke news of the ASIO leak yesterday morning, reports that fallout from Morrison’s announcement dominated Parliament yesterday, including debate over another leak detailing Indonesia’s frustrated response to the news and an accusation from Morrison that NSW Labor had previously behaved “in an antisemitic way”. The PM refused to withdraw.

Morrison also appeared to hint that the ASIO document had been leaked by a Labor state government, a perceived allegation that has since been knocked back by the Victorian state government.


Melbourne cab drivers will launch a $500m class action lawsuit against Uber over claims of lost earnings.

The Herald Sun ($) reports that cab and private hire drivers, in conjunction with the Commercial Passenger Vehicles Association, will sue for damages and lost earnings during the period that Uber operated throughout the city before it was legalised. The case has received $20m in funding and will be filed in the coming weeks.



The Libs can go and get the f*** back in their box after their conduct.

Anonymous Nationals politician

Reports that Liberal MPs are tut-tutting the Nationals leadership crisis are going down about as well as you might expect .


“I just found out I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. The visiting British royal couple were kind enough to point this out and they may do the same for you. To learn if you are likable, look in Their Highnesses’ direction. Then, look at your response. If it is indifferent, hostile, irritated, queasy or short of sentimental, you are probably not a cup of tea at all. Not without a lot of sugar, or stevia — a vile herb that tastes like saccharine, but healthier and worse.”

“Australian officials will be attending and supporting a Saudi government conference that some of the world’s most prominent business figures are boycotting in the wake of growing evidence the theocracy murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi. However, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has refused to guarantee the safety of Australian residents who may have to use Saudi diplomatic facilities here.”

“I have a confession to make: I’m an AFL trade-period addict. During the 10-day period, which closed last night, I drive to the sound of trade radio, and keep a tab open on every work-related browser for a live blog of the action (or inaction as the case may be). As a Western Bulldogs fan, I’ll admit to seeking daily updates on our never-ending quest to land a name like Chad Wingard before a richer, more successful club swoops in (see: Hawthorn). This addiction of mine is shared by many, though it wasn’t always the case. Trade week has grown like weeds in recent years: but how and why?”

This week from the New York Times

Audio Offers Gruesome Details of Jamal Khashoggi Killing, Turkish Official Says

Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed)

Legalizing Recreational Marijuana, Canada Begins a National Experiment

Harry and Meghan Charm Sometimes Skeptical Subjects in Australia

The Skywhale Returns to Australia’s Skies, and Its Creator Braces for Impact

Sign up for Abroad in America, a limited-run newsletter about American politics for non-Americans, by The New York Times.


WA Police not doing enough to protect public from terrorism, report finds

Sydney Anglicans set to ban gay weddings and pro-LGBTI advocacy on church property

Luke Foley denies drunkenly harassing ABC journalist at party ($)

Free childcare for asylum seeker families an Australian first

Upper House MP John Darley accuses ex-staffer turned MP Connie Bonaros of elder abuse ($)

Your right to know: How police are protected by a ‘cone of silence’ ($)

Minister defends benefits of immigration ahead of planned changes to skilled intake

Email from Julia Banks signals she may leave the Liberal Party to run as an independent MP

Finalists announced for the 2018 Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism


There’s a solution to the refugee crisis – but no one will like it — Roman Quaedvlieg (The Sydney Morning Herald): “The Pacific Solution is septicaemic and threatening the political life of the Coalition. Legitimate refugees and failed asylum seekers languish on Manus and Nauru desperately waiting for resettlement. The much-vaunted US deal is turning slowly with the anticipated uplift of 1250 refugees failing to reach even half of that target. The level of mental ill-health among both refugees and asylum seekers has reached an appalling state.”

On the Modern Slavery Transparency in the Supply Chain bill’s potential legal implications ($) — Sean Selleck (The Australian): “In the Bill ‘modern slavery’ is defined in a way as to include slavery (where powers of ownership are attached to people) and slavery-like practices such as forced labour (the provision of labour because of coercion), servitude (forced labour with a loss of personal freedom), debt bondage, child labour, human trafficking, forced marriage and deceptive recruiting. The International Labour Organisation and Walk Free Foundation estimate that 40.3 million people globally are victims of modern slavery.”

Whitehaven next in frame for investor pressure on climate — Julien Vincent (The Sydney Morning Herald): “Next week investors will get the opportunity to vote on whether an ASX100 company that is custodian of their money should align its strategy with the Paris Agreement on climate change, which aims to keep us to 1.5 degrees. That company is Whitehaven Coal, Australia’s largest pure-play coal miner. And to make a gross understatement: Whitehaven’s strategy is in line with this goal.”


The Latest Headlines



  • Inquiries will be held into new encryption powers in the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018, to hear from AFP, ASIO, and Home Affairs; oversight of ASIC, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation; and the four big banks, to hear from NAB.

  • The University of Canberra will launch Indigenous children’s book Monster Party, written by children from the Rawa Community School in the Pilbara.

  • A funeral will be held for the “Father of Medicare”, Professor John Deeble.


  • Federal health minister Greg Hunt is expected to open a multi-million dollar expansion of mental health accommodation and services in Melbourne.

  • Commercial Radio Australia will host the Radio Alive 2018 National Radio Conference, with speakers to include NOVA’s Kate Ritchie, ABC host Virginia Trioli, documentary-maker Todd Sampson and more.


  • Veterans’ Affairs Minister Darren Chester will launch “Open Arms – Veterans & Families Counselling”, which will provide free counselling to veterans and their families.

  • Deputy opposition leader Tanya Plibersek will hold a doorstop with Labor’s Wentworth candidate Tim Murray. Independent candidate Licia Heath and Sydney Independent MP Alex Greenwich will also hold a media conference ahead of the byelection.


  • The Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards WA will be presented as part of the Location Intelligence Forum and Exhibition 2018.


  • SA Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment David Ridgway will present at the South Australian Trade and Investment Forum.

  • SA Chief Information Officers and department ICT representatives will speak at Intermedium’s “Taking the Digital Pulse for 2018-19” state briefing event.


  • Wintergarden will host Brisbane Fashion Month event Next Gen Fashion Runway along Queen St Mall.

  • British plant biologist Professor Cathie Martin will present “Food is about healthcare, medicine is about sick care” for the QUT IFE Grand Challenge Lecture.


  • TasICT will host the Business Transformation Conference & Gala Dinner 2018.