Changing Rooms improved, sort of — 412,000 last night compared to 304,000 on Wednesday — for Ten, but Goggle Box Australia lost over 200,000 viewers. Nine’s Today went backwards yet again. Nine’s 6pm news fell short of Seven by well over a quarter of a million people. That margin helped Seven win the night, despite an underwhelming BBL first Semi-Final.
Ten’s The Project saw another weak night, especially in the metros where 10 News had 334,000 viewers — itself very low — to The Project’s with 323,000. That’s three nights in a row this week that The Project’s metro audience has been lower than the 5pm news.
In the regions Seven’s 6pm News won with 464,000 then Seven News/Today Tonight with 428,000, The Chase Australia from 5.30pm had 317,000, the 7pm ABC News had 294,000 and ACA had 284,000.
Network channel share:
- Seven (31.7%)
- Nine (25.6%)
- Ten (18.9%)
- ABC (16.8%)
- SBS (7.0%)
Network main channels:
- Seven (20.5%)
- Nine (17.6%)
- Ten (12.6%)
- ABC (12.1%)
- SBS ONE (4.2%)
Top 5 digital channels:
- 10 Bold, 7mate (3.9%)
- GO (3.3%)
- 7TWO (3.2%)
- Gem (2.9%)
Top 10 national programs:
- Seven News — 1.337 million
- Seven News/TT — 1.234 million
- Nine/NBN News 6.30 — 1.022 million
- Nine/NBN News — 1.019 million
- ACA (Nine) —930,000
- 7pm ABC News —888,000
- The Chase Australia 5.30 pm (Seven) — 805,000
- BBL First Semi Final, Session 2 (Seven) — 770,000
- Gogglebox Australia (Ten) — 705,000
- 7.30 (ABC) — 755,000
Losers: Changing Rooms, and a warning for Gogglebox Australia.
Metro news and current affairs:
- Seven News —873,000
- Seven News/TT — 806,000
- Nine News —794,000
- Nine News 6.30 — 741,000
- ACA (Nine) — 646,000
- 7pm ABC News— 527,000
- 7.30 (ABC) — 504,000
- 10 News First — 334,000
- The Project 7pm (Ten) — 323,000
- The Project 6.30pm (Ten) — 211,000
Morning (National) TV:
- Sunrise (Seven) — 463,000 (Metro: 281,000)
- Today (Nine) — 289,000 (Metro: 189,000)
- News Breakfast(ABC, ABC News) — 231,000
- The Morning Show (Seven) — 210,000
- Today Extra (Nine) — 145,000
- Studio 10 (Ten) — 67,000
Top five pay TV programs:
- Cricket: BBL (Fox Cricket) — 270,000
- Between The Innings (Fox Cricket) — 269,000
- Cricket: BBL (Fox Cricket) — 254,000
- Cricket: BBL Post Game (Fox Cricket) — 184,000
- Cricket: B4 The Bash (Fox Cricket) — 91,000
Gogglebox was flat as a turd last week, they need to improve fast.