Newspaper Nine Queensland
(Image: Unsplash/Bank Phrom)

Readers continued to throw their support behind novelist Di Morrissey’s community newspaper, which stands apart from the trend of regional papers being shuttered by media conglomerates. As was pointed out, communities need their papers to deliver a service, not a profit. Elsewhere, readers entered the conversation on the Reserve Bank’s seemingly delayed interest rate cut, and the debate around “disappearing” tax cuts for lower-income Australians (a myth continuously repeated by Josh Frydenberg).

On community newspapers

Chris Gulland writes: Congrats Di and proof there is life in a local, well-run community newspaper that responds to local and community needs. As a retired rep who plied his trade for more than 15 years selling advertising space in community newspapers in Western Australia, I loved the privileged insight gained and enjoyed building local campaigns. In the Western Australian market we have the Post group of papers, who publish a weekly gem of a paper which I believe is profitable. Another I have noticed is the Northern Valley News, they focus on their local area and publish monthly. Perhaps it is the profit expectations rather than the businesses’ and readers’ needs that is closing many of these publications.

 On the Reserve Bank

Mark E Smith writes: Will we see the magic bubble burst on the neolib mantra of interest rates as the main (sole?) lever of economic policy? If only the reserve chaps could dictate a bit of wage growth or limit the rent seeking on essential utility prices. There are some clues in the article. Weak retail goods but stronger services like cafes, etc. There are only so many bits of crap we can jam into our houses and, increasingly, dog box flats. But there are a lot of great budget eating and drinking options in nicer places nowadays. Worth pondering I reckon.

On the topic of disappearing tax returns

Richard Shortt writes: Like the giving of all gifts, it’s fine while you can afford them, but when you cannot they stop. Anyone who has structured their futures around a “free gift” and now finds themselves in dire straits have only themselves to blame. Remember, money from the ATO to “zero tax-payers” is less money the government has to deliver services on behalf of us all, not just the well-off.

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