Donald Trump Scott Morrison US Australia alliance g20
Scott Morrison and Donald Trump at G20 in 2018 (Image: AAP/LUKAS COCH)

Crikey readers had much to add to the question of Australia’s need to distance itself from the US — our alliance with whom arguably makes extrication of detained citizens like Alek Sigley more difficult. As some pointed out, the alliance has troubling implications and no guarantee of bearing fruit during a crisis. Is it worth the price? Elsewhere, readers discussed Australia’s recycling crisis

On the Australia-US relationship

Warren Owen Thomas writes: The idea that Australia is seen as the 51st state of the USA is deeply troubling. It is quite clear now with the USA declining in both economic power and moral stances that it is unlikely that it would ever come to the aid of Australia if we were in difficulty. Australia also is in danger of becoming a pariah to our neighbours if we do not change our ways.

Veronica Furrie writes: So who is going to help us extricate Julian Assange back to Australia?

Harry Spratt writes: Of course it would be nice if Australia moved away from it’s ties with the US but it’s a fantasy. Our governments, irrespective of political party, are totally committed to the US. We have woven ourselves into the strategic system of America since WWII, and of latter years we are integrating ourselves into the tactical architecture of the US military. From Bob Hawke agreeing to MX missile tests into the sea off Tasmania, John Howard meekly saying nothing when the USA didn’t offer a skerrick of support during the Timor Intervention and complying with weapons of mass destruction fiction in Iraq and Rudd/Gillard welcoming the marines into Darwin, this country has sold itself to America.

On Australia’s recycling crisis

Richard Shortt writes: Dang, no market signals that Australia should remake it’s waste here! Wow, if only there was $50-60 million to invest in R&D for local remaking, and maybe another $100 million as seed money for those able to operationalise the output of the R&D, and perhaps a $25-30 million bucket for education on how to responsibly recycle. But, as we know, there isn’t a spare $195 million sloshing around unspent to put to a good cause and job creator. Well, not now anyway.

Neil Hauxwell writes: Apart from reducing the amount of waste we make, we urgently better sorting standards and collection systems that eliminates contamination. Recycled fibre, glass and plastic do not have a high dollar value. We use far too much in energy and capital in “waste facilities” when we just need a system that encourages efficient sorting and collection.

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