If there’s anything that Crikey readers have learned from several decades of climate-crisis awareness, it’s that the government will ignore it no matter what language you choose to use. Expecting them to turn around to the incoming catastrophe is about as likely as expecting the Coalition to wake up to the need for stimulus — another topic readers weighed in on over the weekend.
On climate change
Jim Feehely writes: As Kishor points out, the terms global warming and climate change have been childishly exploited by those who think the earth is simply a resource from which money can be made. Having said that, one would think that political leaders would be concerned with the problem, not its bloody name. But we know that is a fantasy. Morrison’s performance at the Pacific Islands Forum is mortifyingly embarrassing to Australia and its interests in the south Pacific. The shame is that Morrison clearly does not appreciate what a complete fool he has made of himself and Australia. This is like a children’s pantomime and Morrison is the idiot all the kids are yelling “It’s behind you!” at.
Lindon Wing writes: As a scientist I continue to shake my head at the mentality of our current crop of politicians and their inability to accept the evidence relating to global warming. One has to hope that in the next round of climate catastrophes — be they fires, cyclones or floods — that enough politicians are personally affected that they might start to see some sense and do something sensible for our country.
John Bushell writes: The term “climate change” deliberately robs humans of any agency in taking responsibility to effectively address this existential problem and if we are to survive we need to accept a “man-made planet emergency” and actually do something effective about it.
On Frydenberg
Send your comments, corrections, clarifications and cock-ups to boss@crikey.com.au. We reserve the right to edit comments for length and clarity. Please include your full name if you would like to be considered for publication.
Bob Weis writes: The hypocrisy of the LNP on the economy is monumental. They oppose stimulus during the GFC and even denied that external factors, other economies, had anything to do with ours. Thank you Wayne Swan for achieving a great result for Australia. Listening, Josh? Australia has been known as the “Lucky Country” — with these fools in charge we may find that you eventually need more luck. Intelligence, the ability to understand empirical data and removing your ideological goggles are crucial too. Or we can follow Trump down the wormhole of failed despots.