So much information that is circulating about the COVID-19 crisis is rooted in misunderstanding, tactical disagreement or outright political malice. This is rapidly becoming a golden age for bullshit, with social media leading the global charge.
Let’s review.
Malaysia’s Health Minister, Dr Adham Baba, recently went on television to pass on the idiotic web-spread wisdom that people should “drink a glass of water that is warm because the virus does not like warm things. Make sure [the water] is not too hot. The virus will go down and when it reaches the stomach which has acids, the virus dies.”
Russians have a term, vranyo, meaning the telling of a lie that nobody is expected to believe. It’s a practice of which Kim Jong-un has no small expertise: he has denied that North Korea has any infections.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump can always be relied on for otherworldly commentary. The US president wanted his country “opened up and just raring to go by Easter”, despite experts advising the contrary.
Trump tweeted about promising preventative outcomes of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin having “a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine”. But his advice was taken too literally by a man and his wife in Phoenix…
“I saw it [a pack of chloroquine phosphate] sitting on the back shelf and thought, ‘Hey, isn’t that the stuff they’re talking about on TV?’,” the woman is reported to have said. Rather than the pharmaceutical version of the drug, they took what a Banner Health Poison and Drug Information Center statement described as “an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks”. The husband died, and his wife required critical care.
Trump’s approval ratings have increased to 47%, although even evaluations of his pandemic management are partisan — he has 89% Republican approval, but only 21% from Democrats. He is alleged to have called the virus a “Democrat hoax” and is accused of saying “people are dying today that have never died before”. He made neither statement (although the former is a little muddy).
We have had genuinely unfortunate contributions from politicians, however.
Tabloids report that the King of Thailand has gone into self-isolation in Germany with an entourage including a “harem” of 20.
In Zimbabwe, President Emmerson Mnangagwa urged social distancing before hosting a rally for thousands, while one of his ministers claimed the virus was God’s comeuppance for the West’s sanctions.
Angela Merkel suggested that “since the second World War, there has been no challenge to our nation that has demanded such a degree of common and united action”.
Gabe Brown, Mayor of Walton, Kentucky opted for a touch more candour: “Listen up dipshits and sensible people … You need to realise that this is a serious ordeal. In fact, it’s a big fucking deal. Stay at home.”
Poor communication can be a consequence of larger calibrations, of course: one being economic downturn versus viral upturn. This trade-off was made stark by evident stalling over shutting down the Tokyo Olympics. Would Japan or the International Olympic Committee pull the plug first and take moral liability for the billions lost in venue leases, maintenance, staffing, sponsorships, development and ticketing?
Infection rates for Japan were reportedly low, but, once the joint cancellation announcement was made, they suddenly shot up and public health warnings became more dire.
In Australia, the National Cabinet is weighing the competing consequences of infection rates and economic collapse and, although many readers will disagree, Prime Minister Morrison’s messaging has been exceedingly clear.
National Cabinet edicts are then nuanced by states to meet their specific needs. Further down the chain, businesses decide how they’ll react.
A crisis shows the core of a corporation: at the very least they ought offer an appearance of empathy. Coles and Woolworths have been exemplary with their clear and caring communications. Aldi has been missing in action. Virgin and Qantas have both been professional and customer-centric in a ghastly situation — Solly Lew less so. And the discount trips offered by Princess Cruises were insensitive at best.
Finally, of course, individuals consider their own circumstances and make different decisions again.
This multi-level decision-making is sensible, but when people are reported doing different things, it creates a perception of communication confusion.
On top of this, inexpert opinionistas suggest that different action ought be taken, then criticise unfocussed messaging, blind to the fact that they are exacerbating it. On morning TV last week, Karl Stefanovic urged more drastic intervention, before qualifying his comments with “but I’m just an idiot journalist”.
Good governance and clearly communicated policies can stall and control the spread of the virus. Unfortunately, the far more dangerous disease of human stupidity has so far resisted any and all attempts at containment.
Toby Ralph is a global marketing consultant. If you don’t know what that is send him $50 and he might give you $10 back.
Good stuff Toby. Here’s the expert skinny on the nature of bullshit: http://honesthistory.net.au/wp/from-the-honest-history-vault-another-timely-look-at-professor-frankfurt-on-bullshit/ Basically, bullshit is not about truth or falsity, but about whatever floats your boat at the time.
“Bullshit”? Well ‘Unchain My Heart’ and sell us on the GST – before Cocker pulled that pin.
Not to mention the advertising guru that sold us on the “virtues” of Honest John Howard from :-
* ‘non-core promises”,
* a “Ministerial Code of Conduct” (to gull punters into thinking Howard was a different kind of politician to Keating) that Howard had to be dragged kicking and screaming to get rid of Prosser first then others (but not Reith);
* “Children Overboard”,
* invading Iraq,
* AWB/NPA and
* WorkChoices?
…. If anyone’d know “bullshit” it’s Toby?
“Bulls..t”? Well ‘Unchain My Heart’ and sell us on the GST – before Cocker pulls that pin.
Not to mention the advertising guru that sold us on the “virtues” of Honest John Howard from :-
* ‘non-core promises”,
* a “Ministerial Code of Conduct” (to gull punters into thinking Howard was a different kind of politician to Keating) that Howard had to be dragged kicking and screaming to get rid of Prosser first then others (but not Reith);
* the GST
* “Children Overboard”,
* invading Iraq,
* AWB/NPA and
* WorkChoices?
…. If anyone’d know the ins and outs of “bulls..t” it’s Toby?
Moderation <- for using a word used in the title of this piece?
“Toby from Marketing”.
So when North Korea reports no cases despite tight enough controls on its borders that it might just be the case it’s laughable propaganda, but when Tasmania was reporting no cases until recently despite plenty of transport between there and areas with cases and still refusing to test most people, it was uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
“…although many readers will disagree, Prime Minister Morrison’s messaging has been exceedingly clear.”
You’re trolling, right? “I’m going to the football,” “All jobs are essential”, and last night’s champion “You shouldn’t be going out for anything that’s not essential … Julie went out yesterday and got some jigsaw puzzles for the kids.”
I’ll grant you that some parents might think entertainment for the kids is important, but nobody died because they didn’t have a jigsaw puzzle. What the heck does “essential” mean if every job is “essential”?
I’m still not sure why the numbers of people allowed for weddings and funerals is different. It’s not like the virus cares what the occasion is.
toby effin’ ralph ??? FFS Crikey are you keen on shutting down or what ?
oh wait, I’ve got it now…you’ve gone off 2 days early with your April fools spoof.
Exactly, Mac. You’re taking the p**s, aren’t you, Crikey?!?!
This…Toby Ralph would be Toby ‘the most public-trust-destructive, cynical, shifty, opportunistic professional bullsh*t artist of the John Howard-onwards era of politics‘ Ralph, right?
Toby ‘black is white and 2+2 = 5 serial paid lie-weaver‘ Ralph, yes? Geez, you have got to kidding me, Eric Beecher. Giving this propaganda rent boy real estate, to tut-tut condescendingly about ‘public misinformation’ is like…ha, gifting Tim Wilson’s uncle a tame Parly Enquiry into franked divvies during an election campaign.
Toby: nick off. Eric may be gullible and hippy-dippy and still stuck in the 60’s and 70’s with you, but his subscribers aren’t. Your marketing fun’s over, sonny. Your ironic Boomer mass meeja info-game is done. Old school advertising is shot, dead, a goner. You can’t just swagger into our joint and spit out a few self-deprecating lines and think we’ll all be struck so impressed at how Boomer-cool y’are— you old marketing hipster, you – that we’ll gullet your self-serving pitch whole.
Oh, no no no.
Tobes? You’re the problem here, pal, not the solution. You’re the reason there’s no public information trust anymore. Get it? You did this, mate. This is your life’s work. This is your legacy. What an achievement, Mr Clever Wordsmith. Look what you did with your talent for words! Made a great big world built on paid bullsh*t. You and all your paid bullsh*tter Boomer chums. So clever. So cool. So ironic. Ah, yes, irony…ain’t it just the coolest wordy thing, Tobes? Like that ironic little line you use to describe yourself at the end, the $50 toss-off ? Oh Toby: you’re so so so so, like, self-deprecating and, like, so so super cool. Dude.
Alas: being so cool and reflexively ironic with your words – can’t break the habit of a lifetime eh Tobes! – means you don’t get to ‘explain’ po-faced and stern and straight-as-a-moralising-daddy to us uncool, unironic types just why we’re all now in such a terrible state of misinformed information anarchy. ‘Coz…hey, we’re even more ironic than you, us X-ers!
And as for Millennials…? So ironic now they’re…nihilistic!
Well done, Tobes. Your generation gutted words of any meaning at all. You broke ‘em. And so here we all are now. Swimming in billions of meaningless bullsh*t. words. And…here you are, still at it. Churning ‘em out. It’s too funny: you seriously think anyone under 60 cares less what your gutted, ironic, far-too-many words have to say now?!
You’re the reason bullsh*t is everywhere in our age, Toby Ralph. ‘Bullsh*t’ is your profession. Bullsh*t is what you do. Bullsh*t is your currency, your trade, your vocation, your workaday staple, your creed, your golden ticket, your moral core. Bullsh*t is your generation of wordsmiths’ life’s work, mate. Your Opus Bullsh*tatus. It’s what made you Boomers what you are. Mass produced and mass disseminated…bullsh*t. Blah blah blah.
You’re the epistemological disease we’re struggling with, Toby Ralph. Not the diagnostic tool, certainly not the cure. You’re the reason nobody believes a word anyone writes or says anymore. Sad, possibly unfair…but dead true. And you know it, deep in your core. Fellah with the gab-gift can only sell so many public lies before they…kind of catch on, huh.
Why: all the kids are doin’ it now, Toby! It’s a smash hit mate.
Please nick off out of public life at last, Toby Ralph & Co. You’ve had your lucrative, dishonest time in the sun. Now take your professional bullsh*t, and your professional bullsh*tting mates, and go and self-isolate yourselves, and it, for good. The Golden Age of the Professional Liar is done. And for once you Boomers, who didn’t invent the game but sure finessed it to a whole next level (and made more coin from it than ever before in history)…just can’t talk your way out of it.
No matter how much meeja real estate you continue to gazump.
Too kind, Jack. Waayyyy too kind.
Agree. I kill The Drum when he shows up.
Jack, let me just say that the satisfaction I got from reading your response made reading the article worthwhile 🙂 cheers.
I dips me lid, Jack.
This “new golden age of bullshit” : as opposed to the “old golden age of bullshit” Ralph spun us around “Honest John”? Is that finished? …. While Toby’s around.
Moderator, what about :-
“This “new golden age of bulls..t” : as opposed to the “old golden age of bulls..t” Ralph spun us around “Honest John”? Is that finished? …. While Toby’s around.”?
That brought a smile to my face reading that.
Out Rundled Rundle.
Give Jack a column!
Give Jack a column!
Give Jack a column!
Give Jack a column!
I’ve got nothing against Crikey presenting this sort of tabloid opinion dross. That’s their business.
The ABC has Speers fronting and had Viellaris (another Murdoch Muppet) on Insiders twice so far this year; look at the conservative opinionistas they stack on The Drum. If the ABC wants to get down onto the tabloid gutter, promote, advertise and trash their own reputation by presenting that sort of tabloid pap (that can be found just about anywhere, including social media) that’s their business too.
Why should Crikey be different? It’s their reputations.
If they want to present these sort of opinions, it gives others a chance to air theirs in return and bring up the history of those that write this sort of stuff.
Whose idea was it to use Joe Cocker’s “Unchain My Heart” to sell Howard’s GST to the public in an advertising campaign – before Cocker found out it was being used for political purposes, without his authority/permission, and he pulled it?
If they’re the sort of standards being peddled who am I to argue? It’s their reputations they’re gambling.
Such a great “global marketing consultant” he couldn’t come up with anything original or legal to sell the GST?
Tobe’s title is an interesting one – ‘A users guide’. Are we getting free instruction on how we can better ‘use’ said commodity ourselves?! From Tobe the Master!