Image: AAP/David Mariuz

Are work-from-home jobs, or jobs that can be performed remotely, the only truly safe industries to work in during the coronavirus pandemic?

Today it is reported there are more Australians looking for work than was the case of the last recession in 1990-91.

About 3.92 million people (27.4%) are either unemployed or underemployed, according to market researcher Roy Morgan.

Let’s look at the reportedly “safe” and “unsafe” industries.

Work-from-home jobs may be seen as the safest industries during this time, but demand and a need for workers in other areas have been highlighted in a recent LinkedIn report.

Who is still hiring and what for during the COVID-19 pandemic?

According to reports, an increased need for direct-to-consumer goods and services has created a much higher demand for factory and warehouse workers. A significant number of people have started asking farmers for work.

Those who were employed pre-pandemic and can perform their work from home are in the safest position, for now. Over the coming months as Australia begins to settle into the shock of a recession, it is likely there will be higher unemployment and a subsequently highly competitive market out there if you are looking for a job.

What businesses have been worst affected?

  • Transport, most notably airlines
  • Hotels
  • Bars
  • Restaurants
  • Gyms
  • Museums
  • Libraries
  • Beauty salons
  • Cinemas
  • Youth centres
  • Amusement parks
  • Arcades
  • Indoor and outdoor markets
  • Swimming pools
  • Indoor sports venues.

The mandated closure of these businesses has had a huge impact on business owners and employees. The date at which they are allowed to reopen is uncertain, and an ETA on when people will feel safe enough to return to the activities they provide even more so.

Back to the point, are work-from-home jobs the safest industries to be in? For now, it seems so.

Read: When will offices reopen? The end of WFH