It’s March 2022. More than 80% of Australian adults have been vaccinated. We’re nearly 180 days into the process of lightening restrictions, which began in NSW in October when that state reached 70%. State by state, the restrictions that hampered businesses and workers are being removed. The international border is to be reopened soon. Case numbers have surged to more than 300,000 since Gladys Berejiklian announced reopening in NSW, but that’s translated into fewer than 9000 hospital admissions and 2000 cases in ICUs nationwide, far less than capacity.
Fewer than 1500 people have, tragically, died throughout the period, two-thirds of them unvaccinated. But only about 25,000 are absent from the workforce because they’re infected or isolating. As Scott Morrison prepares to go to another election, he sees a nation that has forgotten his initial stumbles around the vaccination rollout and which is preparing to gratefully reelect him.
That’s the scenario Morrison is hoping for, and which he thinks the Doherty Institute’s modelling has handed him — even in its updated form, which is based on the likelihood that a reopening will occur with massive case numbers courtesy of Berejiklian’s catastrophic failures in NSW, and even assuming contact tracers struggle to keep up with the virus.
There’s another scenario, however.
It’s March 2022. More than 80% of Australians have been vaccinated. Morrison faces an election within two months. But the NSW premier Dominic Perrottet, still new in the job after Berejiklian “succumbed” to pressure and resigned in December, calls and tells him he has no alternative but to lock down his state. More than 100,000 people have had to be hospitalised since October as more than 2.5 million people have contracted the virus. His contact tracers are hopelessly overwhelmed and have been since November. More than 8000 people across the state have died. The strain on the NSW hospital system is unbearable, and the diversion of medical resources to battling COVID is leading to a spike in deaths from other causes.
That’s what might unfold in NSW if the national modelling by a team of academics led by University of Western Australia’s Zoë Hyde is correct, on a pro rata basis.
Alternatively, there’s the scenario modelled by the Grattan Institute in July. Reopening when 70% of the population is vaccinated sees the nation’s ICUs overwhelmed about 100 days after reopening, with the total ICU cases eventually exceeding 200,000 off the back of 8 million infections. Inside five months, more than 10,000 people have died. Eventually more than 15,000 die. Nearly 17% of those deaths — or 2500 — are people who are fully vaccinated.
This political game unfolding between risk-averse Labor premiers and Berejiklian and Morrison, who have given up trying to suppress COVID, has very real stakes. If the Doherty Institute is right, “only” 1500-odd people will die when we reopen with 70% vaccinations — a figure just three to four times higher than the death toll from seasonal flu. If other, gloomier predictions are correct, hospitals will be overwhelmed and the death toll will run into the tens of thousands.
Morrison is anxious to get the community to “shift focus” from his bungling and think about emerging from lockdown. But his breezy optimism — and that of press gallery spruikers — is at odds with the day-to-day reality of state leaders who run hospitals and police forces and are held accountable by voters for public health. What premier will sit by and adhere to the national reopening plan if the hospital system is overwhelmed, or deaths reach 30 to 40 a day? Remember that a sizeable proportion of these deaths will be of vaccinated people. It’s also clear, as a result of the Delta strain, that the coming wave of deaths won’t be confined to the elderly. Even the optimistic scenarios of the Doherty Institute modelling suggest nearly 100 people under 40 will die.
The political challenge is even greater on borders than on lockdowns. Why premiers like Mark McGowan, or Annastacia Palaszczuk, or Peter Gutwein, if they have zero cases, would reopen their borders to other states and welcome the chances of thousands dying and their hospitals being overwhelmed as a result of infections from outside the state isn’t at all clear. Between a premier saying he or she doesn’t want thousands of deaths and crammed ICUs and a prime minister insisting that they allow that to happen as part of some “national plan”, who do you think voters will back? There are plenty in the press gallery who seem to think they’ll be queueing up behind Morrison.
Things might be different if people could trust Morrison and Berejiklian. But both have demonstrated that they can’t be trusted, they always put politics ahead of the public interest, and they will refuse to ever be held accountable for their failings. Would you put your life, or that of your family, in the hands of such people? That’s the real question behind all the spin flying at the moment.
The pandemic has brought the widening class divide that is destroying our society into stark contrast. By now we can see how inadequate housing, precarious work and a punitive social welfare system – all outcomes of policies broadly embraced by both major parties – is a key factor in transmission. The rich live in social isolation already. They chafe at restrictions to the pleasures they take for granted and fulminate against the public health measures essential to providing some measure of protection to the rest of us. What does it matter to them if a hundred children in one of those flyover suburbs die? It’s not as if they live in the same world. They are utterly oblivious to the real lives of the real people who stack the shelves and deliver the groceries, who care for the old or the sick or the young, who clean their offices and apartments, who do the thousand and one things which make for their comfortable lives in their exclusive suburbs or luxurious ‘shacks’ by the beach. You only have to read the smug opinion columns in the monopoly media about ‘living with covid’ to realise how completely divorced they are from the lives of their own community. The same people who gorged themselves on the profits of wage theft, who nodded sagely at the idea that hundreds of thousands of unemployed people or people with life-sapping disabilities were bludgers, liars and cheats, now weep oceans of crocodile tears at the stress and mental health toll. Oh spare me.
Yes all of that and what is even more sinister is Scott Morrison inciting superspreading protesting events where they are encouraged by him using his language ,the language of freedom, the language of live with covid, he is Trump, a dangerous psychotic cult following psychopath
Australia was the odd man out in Murdoch’s sphere of influence. If we remained successful with elimination it would reflect very badly on “let the bodies pile high in their thousands” Johnson in the UK.
In parallel with the NSW debacle the UK opened up fully with even the politicians saying cases in the range 100-200 thousand a day were likely. There was definitely incentive to NOT have Australia eliminate delta and continue with Covid Zero. UK racism discounts East Asian success and despite widespread contempt for “colonials” only NZ cops the full sneer.
Beautifully put Griselda Lamington!!
While appreciating your passion Griselda, and agreeing with much of it, I’m not sure the target of ‘the rich’ is particularly accurate. I come from a pretty wealthy area, part of the first lockdown eastern suburbs, (but not the real creme de la creme) and I don’t think there is quite ‘the chafing’ for an end to restrictions that you suggest. In fact, while everyone is chafing to some degree, most have been calling for Gladys to stiffen the measures way ahead of her, while at the other end of the wealth spectrum there have been many examples of flouting against health orders, and the demonstrators against restrictions were hardly rocking up in their Bentleys, with chauffeur.
No, they left for their Southern Highlands retreat months ago. Against the spirit of the lockdown rules but not against the actual health orders at the time.
But definitely the business community, which is but a small proportion of ‘the rich’, have been trashing any lockdown measures.
Not disagreeing, just suggesting taking better aim. Substituting the business community would be better placed.
As an aside, lockdown protocols have been strictly followed by everyone I see around here, until a group of boof heads had a party in Maroubra.
Thank you kind Dog (or is it Breakfast). I might have said the bourgeoisie, or perhaps the ruling class. I have no doubt there are many people in the comfortable postcodes who are keeping conscientiously to the restrictions – although in NSW comprehending what they mean seems to be a challenge in itself. I also have no doubt there are many in those same postcodes who are genuinely concerned and sympathetic. Conversely I also have observed the hostility expressed by many of the petit bourgeois and heard their insistence that public health measures are nothing but a communist plot. Nonetheless, those good people in those comfortable postcodes have profited mightily from the erosion of equity in our society; from a crooked system which takes from those with little to give to those who already have more than they need. For the better part of thirty years they have voted for inequality and increasing misery among those of their fellow citizens who today are suffering most greatly.
Today from the ABC:
Report finds federal government failings likely contributed to Ruby Princess COVID-19 disaster
A year ago
Ruby Princess report vindicates Government and Australian Border Force, Peter Dutton says
Now who would you believe, an independent auditor or Oberfuhrer Dirtbag?
And how was this able to happen?
Look no further than the plague ridden Rodent John Winston Howard and his FTA.
Callinan Report: NSW Blames Howard Government
“The NSW Minister for Primary Industries Ian Macdonald said the release of the Callinan Inquiry report made it clear the blame for last year’s devastating horse flu outbreak lay squarely at the feet of the Howard Government’s inadequate biosecurity…June 2008”
AQIS report sparks more quarantine concerns
By Jane Bardon
Monday, 21/01/2008
A farmers groups says a previously hidden report raises new questions about the state of the quarantine system.
The consultants report, apparently kept hidden by the Howard government, says AQIS is failing to meet government targets for inspecting air and sea imports for exotic pests and diseases.
Ernst and Young’s report to the Howard Government on quarantine and diseases exposed the Liberal-National Coalition Government’s utter failure to protect Australia from diseases, let alone protect the interests of rural and regional Australians who are their voter base.
Howard refused to release this report and the ramifications of the Coalition’s Government’s undermining of Australia’s quarantine services to appease his bum buddy Bush keep on striking Australia.
And then came the Ruby Princess and it gave us death lockdowns and is a direct legacy of Rodent Howard and the present gang of thieves.
Today from the ABC:
Report finds federal government failings likely contributed to Ruby Princess COVID-19 disaster
A year ago
Ruby Princess report vindicates Government and Australian Border Force, Peter Dutton says
Now who would you believe, an independent auditor or Oberfuhrer Dirtbag?
And how was this able to happen?
Look no further than the plague ridden Rodent John Winston Howard and his FTA.
Callinan Report: NSW Blames Howard Government
YOu will have to google the info as Crikey won’t allow the links
Yes I agree. Those who are more affluent and especially those in the older age bracket who statistically are the major voter constituency for the Coalition are not itching for a big opening up. Oldies are the ones still dying even some with double vaccination and they are the ones wanting surgery in the main in hospitals. If they can’t get this because the wards are full of COVID I’ll people then Morrison’s rhetoric does not fit the experience. Also the harsh experience of people in the western suburbs of Sydney of perceived prejudice is not going to entice them to vote Coalition.
Just remember not all us old dodderers are brain dead stuck in a menzies type time warp, we are being hit very hard by Scommo
s crowd of lying thieving dirtbags ,left to rot in Scomo
s concentration camps disguised as aged care homes, denied in-home care because of political intent or bureaucratic bungling as they privatize the welfare system to save money to gift to the rich mates and benefactors and have kids and grandkids living in abject poverty under Scummo`s newstarve pittance, we are just waiting our chance to flush Canberra’s political toilet.The Murdoch‘s ‘where’s the money coming from’ anti Labour campaign will be doing the rounds yet again.
Nothing is as predictable than his slavish editors and apparently susceptible subscriber voters.
Will it always be this way ?
The answer to that one is the LNP has spent it all and more besides. Not even a Labor government in the worst right wing nightmare could outspend this bunch.
You’re absolutely right, Bernard. How does Scott Morrison think he’s going to pressure Mark McGowan to open our WA borders when we have about the most freedom of anyone in the world? And who does he think is going to vote for open borders? He’s delusional.
His announcement and of course that is all it will be of going to fund a purpose-built quarantine facility in western Australia is specifically designed to counter voter blowback in the alleged rapist Christian Porters electorate in the forthcoming federal election
Well there is Tasmania of course. Life here much the same as pre covid.
You’re right of course Mary! We have slightly better weather though.
Dunno Catoke. I crossed Bass Strait for family reasons 6 weeks ago and at the moment am happy to stay on here in Hobart. Went to The Pier Hotel in Georgetown for wonderful meal of fresh Tas scallops three weeks ago, then to St Helens for dinner at Furneaux French Restaurant which was as good as in Paris (Belgian chef), then last week to Bruny Island for a couple of days. Weather has been perfect. No tourists to compete with so no waiting for service anywhere. No wonder house prices are rising with all the domestic migration from the mainland capitals.
That’s the reason that FDotM (now in the Grauniad) often ends his paeans to the Merkin Isle with “It’s HORRIBLE! PLEASE DO NOT COME HERE!”.
He thinks Murdoch media, plus The Age under Costello and chanell seven will spread enough misinformation to cover 5he lies he’s spouting. His parents have a lot tobe ashamed of in his down-bringing.
His father in particular
Report finds federal government failings likely contributed to Ruby Princess COVID-19 disaster
And this has resulted in the Coalition’s Federal Minister for Agriculture unleashing the Princess Berjiklian on the nation last year, death, long covid, lockdowns, Australia wide. Now who was the Minister of the Ag Dept? Hand chosen David Littleproud ex teller at a credit union, but one whose family was involved in water theft and has just been convicted, hand chosen by Joyce,
A year ago
Ruby Princess report vindicates Government and Australian Border Force, Peter Dutton says
Now who would you believe, an independent auditor or Oberfuhrer Dirtbag?
And how was this able to happen?
Look no further than the plague ridden Rodent John Winston Howard and his FTA for the Ruby disaster
Callinan Report: NSW Blames Howard Government
“The NSW Minister for Primary Industries Ian Macdonald said the release of the Callinan Inquiry report made it clear the blame for last year’s devastating horse flu outbreak lay squarely at the feet of the Howard Government’s inadequate biosecurity…June 2008”
Australian farmers face increasing threat of new diseases: report
AQIS report sparks more quarantine concerns
By Jane Bardon
Monday, 21/01/2008
A farmers groups says a previously hidden report raises new questions about the state of the quarantine system.
The consultants report, apparently kept hidden by the Howard government, says AQIS is failing to meet government targets for inspecting air and sea imports for exotic pests and diseases.Ernst and Young’s report to the Howard Government on quarantine and diseases exposed the Liberal-National Coalition Government’s utter failure to protect Australia from diseases, let alone protect the interests of rural and regional Australians who are their voter base.
Howard refused to release this report and the ramifications of the Coalition’s Government’s undermining of Australia’s quarantine services to appease his bum buddy Bush keep on striking Australia.
Berejiklian was just on the radio telling everyone that she does not want them to focus on case numbers but rather vaccination numbers.
The bit of excrement refers to us as cases your dead child mother father brother sister aunty uncle is a casenothing to see here move on look at the vaccination figures meanwhile the health system is buckling the health staff are already exhausted and some suffering PTSD.
But this is all about Steve Marshall Liberal South Australia, Scott Morrison Liberal Canberra, and queen Delta Berejiklian Liberal New South Wales appeasing the business community,and for that they are happy that we, the so called cases that they don’t want you to focus on, get long covid, die, are severely ill, and go through hell while they appease business
Morrijeklian seems blissfully unaware of recent developments in that paragon of mass vaccination, Israel, which some time ago easily exceeded the target levels of vaccination supposed to justify throwing away the precautions now in place in Australia. Take a look at the Daily Beast report ‘Ultra-Vaxxed Israel’s Crisis Is a Dire Warning to America’ and, if you want, delete ‘America’, insert ‘Australia’. Based on what’s happening now in Israel it’s a good bet that Morrijeklian’s big idea will deliver the worst of the outcomes summarised in Keane’s article, or something nastier. Two months after restrictions there were lifted:
Israel reported 9,831 new diagnosed cases on Tuesday, a hairbreadth away from the worst daily figure ever recorded in the country—10,000—at the peak of the third wave. More than 350 people have died of the disease in the first three weeks of August. In a Sunday press conference, the directors of seven public hospitals announced that they could no longer admit any coronavirus patients. With 670 COVID-19 patients requiring critical care, their wards are overflowing and staff are at breaking point. “I don’t want to frighten you,” coronavirus czar Dr. Salman Zarka told the Israeli parliament this week. “But this is the data. Unfortunately, the numbers don’t lie.”
Thanks for the link. Every time I post a comment with a link it is sent into limbo by the modbot. I just have to ask: how do you do that?
In some ways, Morrison has given up on WA, in the same way that he has given up on trying to defeat COVID. This is dangerous for him – 10 of the 15 seats in WA have Liberal incumbents (11 of 16 if you count Stirling, which disappears in the redistribution), and every one of them is in play.
Normally, state and federal issues are separate – but not this election. Morrison and his colleagues such as Porter have done their utmost to undermine the McGowan state government – a government which holds 52 of 59 seats, and Morrison’s party famously holds only 2, following an election held this year. One can only assume that Morrison is playing a lose-lose strategy, because he knows that a sensible strategy is doomed to fail. We’re certainly waiting for the Federal election to repeat the dose.
Yes, the federal Liberals are somewhere between insouciant and utterly reckless towards their WA stronghold. Either they know something we don’t or else they’ve simply forgotten all about it during all the current excitement. Also, of course, they are creatures of habit who have thoroughly absorbed the lesson that elections are, near enough, won or lost in QLD. They’ve never paid attention to WA in living memory and they’re not going to start now. There’s certainly no indication they think the recent state election result has any relevance. It was only “an election in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing,” as Chamberlain did not quite say.
I hope Telstra reinstall some of the good old telephone boxes we used to have. They were good enough for Superman and they will definitely be perfect for meetings of the WA Parliamentary Liberal party.
I have family in WA who were always lib voters, they changed to McGowan and will be voting Labor at the next electionfor the first time ever.
The next elections are going to be unique in Australian history. There’s often discusssion of how much voters in any state or territory choose between federal and their own state / territory issues when voting. But right now the policies of NSW are a top issue for every other state and territory as Berejeklian drives a truck through the COVID safeguards that other premiers have built. How will that work out?
Right you are SSR,I really hope this frightening fiasco has finally woken the rusted on LNP supporters from their dissonant slumbers – the endless prioritising of the economy over our society deserves a spectacular whack..!!
Lets hope so . . .
And raw polls won’t tell the full story. The Nine papers were talking the Coalition up federally on the basis of some polling this morning, but when you looked closer the boost was all from men. Women continue to think Scomo is a blathering narcissist. It might look like he’s gaining some ground in the polls, but you can’t win an election in this country if most women can’t stand you – and the kind of loathing he inspires among the women I know is a hard thing to come back from.
I would like to be as confident as you are. The boost may be all from men, but the poll still shows Morrison ahead. It isn’t a straightforward poll, and I would expect the Age etc (and whoever the polling group are) to skew and cherry pick. Nonetheless, it suggests that among men the “freedom” argument is biting.
The definition of ‘freedom’ is remarkably different between the sexes – l await dissent.
It’s possible. The main distinction is Freedom from… versus freedom to…. e.g. Freedom from disease, freedom to go mask-less. The latter may be more a male thing. I see it as more a lack of maturity thing. Is that disagreement enough for you, Selkie? 🙂
That is exactly how I would frame it.
Yes he’s cultivating that group of usual Labor voters that are deep down rednecks – the mob that turned up in the protests last weekend. Hillary’s ‘deplorables’
It was well demonstrated during Silver Ming’s long reign that it was the women’s vote that sustained him, at the end almost entirely because they supported 6pm closing, the much traduced ‘6 o’clock swill’.
It was the biggest M/F split since female suffrage or Me-Too.
Also, isn’t it said that Federal elections are won and lost in Queensland. I believe Palaszczuk and her decisions will play a very important role as Covid19 has made us think more of localised achievements re keeping disease at bay. How could Queenslanders vote for a LNP Federal government as they watch mayhem unfurl across their border. At the same time NSW voters may revolt against Berejiklian and not wish to vote for Morrisonand his crew after seeing other states act profoundly better in protecting their citizens. Where I live, common street talk is how many NSW or VIC number plates did you count today, and aren’t they bloody hopeless drivers.
It will depend entirely on what is happening with deaths at election time no matter how much she and excrement Morrison talk about vaccinations
Until Western Sydney and greater Perth realise that Morrison (and Gladys) is NOT on their side he will pull every trick in the book to get re-elected. Bribes and rorts galore coming up . . .
That’s fewer voters, or marginal seats, than the ALP ethnic fiefdoms in soi-disant SW Sydney.
Will be interesting demonstration of whether Scotty from Marketing can fire a (machine) gun down George St and still get elected. More importantly can he simultaneously fire that gun down the streets of Ipswich, Wollongong and Rockhampton and do the same. With enough division sown between those living in different areas and continual cover from the Murdoch press, who’s to say he can’t? After all those who don’t get hit can keep on shopping…
Unfortunately, your point is valid.