The AFP commissioner’s decision to play up his agency’s role in the encrypted ANOM app used for a worldwide crime sting went against the police’s planned messaging, internal police documents show.
On June 8, Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews and Australian Federal Police commissioner Reece Kershaw fronted up at a press conference to announce Operation Ironside, a sophisticated transnational operation that led to hundreds of arrests.
During the press conference, Kershaw talked up the AFP’s role in the operation but in response to two questions about whether it had created the app as reported in the media, he deflected.
The AFP later confirmed that Australian police were brought in after the app was created, and provided capacity to decrypt messages sent through it.
But preparation materials for press conference obtained under freedom of information laws reveal that the AFP had planned to be upfront about its smaller role — despite Kershaw’s reluctance to say as much when the lights were on.
In addition to media releases and ancillary documents released to the media, an “if asked” document for Operation Ironside reveals more information about the sting, as well as lines of inquiry the police hoped to spin.
The documents paint a picture of the thin line police are trying to walk when spinning Australia’s expansive police powers: that they’re both powerful and proportionate, world-leading yet in need of more; that AFP members are just ordinary, humble Australians who are also technically brilliant and smarter than savvy criminals.
A core part of the story the police told — and media outlets lapped up — was that the scheme was dreamed up over a beer.
But while it may have had humble beginnings, police took efforts to stress that the app was technically sophisticated and complex. The documents extol how the AFP’s 14-year-old digital surveillance program is one of the most established in the world. They even cited using machine learning to scan messages.
As previously reported, Kershaw went to lengths to mention the use of Australia’s controversial anti-encryption legislation. The communications strategy reflects that: “The AFP has used a range of legislative provisions, including under the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act to facilitate Operation Ironside.” (How the TOLA Act was used remains a mystery, even after obtaining these documents.)
Incredibly, the AFP claims its contribution to developing the ANOM application was primarily a team of three specialists (or “techsperts”, as the documents repeatedly refer to them). Of the 12,000 users previously reported to have used the app, police documents state 1659 were in Australia.
The AFP also prepared an answer in case someone asked why the police dropped (gave an officially sanctioned release of information to a media outlet) the story to the Herald Sun. It claimed there was an “operation benefit” but declined to comment further, citing a need to protect how police do their job.
As for whether Australia is winning or losing the war on drugs? Well even in the AFP’s preparation for this specific question, the question was dodged.
Nice little scoop there Cam.
Haha, ‘scoop’. It was obvious to anyone with half a brain who was watching the press conference that he was deflecting. He got asked the same question 3 times and answered it in different ways.
So this Guy Sebastian lookalike can’t even get the figures right, it wasn’t 2 times, it was 3.
Also, how did it take Cam this long to write this story? It was obvious and should’ve been printed when it happened.
They’ve gotta do something/anything to try to distract from their reputations as politicised ‘Coalition lapdogs’.
Do they still drag the media around with them for their PR busts?
Depends on whom one thinks is dragging whom – hard to tell the difference when the media & police appear joined at the neck.
These agencies are arms of the Coalition government and have been for decades
Remember Nick Warner’s father’s role? Tipping off about the raid.
3 years later the cover up is still in progress nice little list of names from Crikey
The heady days of an RC and protection have not broken their spirit, the reverse in fact.
The union claimed the AFP deliberately misled a Fairfax Media journalist by saying a CFMEU official had been “raided” on 2 December then changed its story to say the raid related to the official but was not a raid on his or her property. This was done to “destroy the reputation of the official involved”, it said.
In another incident, the CFMEU said the union police taskforce provided false information or failed to correct journalist Stephen Drill, who incorrectly reported Victoria police’s union taskforce Heracles had raided the CFMEU’s Victorian headquarters.
Special taskforces investigating unions were set up in the AFP, and Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria police to support the trade union royal commission. After the royal commission concluded in December 2015, these taskforces continued to operate.
Selling out the “The Bali 9”?
Keelty’s “roll over and play ball” trick, to appease Honest John – after telling us how invading Iraq could make us greater terrorist targets – get’s bitch-slapped and rolls over to serve his master’s choice?
The persecution of Haneef – for a distraction from Howard/Andrews poll problems leading up to the Ruddslide election?
Both Customs & AFP, pre BruderFarce, had many nasty types who routinely shopped mules to Thailand & Malaysia “…because they only get a slap on the wrist here!”.
The media and the spooks and AFP, all neatly tied up to the Coalition. Even venturing into parliemant now.
Warner’s father was journalist Dennis Warner who tipped off ASIO that they were going to be raided by the Feds. ”Reliable source – Lionel Murphy is about to raid the ASIO offices in St Kilda Road. You have been alerted.”
Coalition’s bully boys
Abbott even sheltered there from the media remember!
I assumed that was because he liked bunking down with boofy blokes.
Brave man to stir the beast Cam
And no use lodging a complaint either.