(Image: Private Media)

Grading criteria

A: All the requirements for the subject have been met to a highly satisfactory degree
B: Subject requirements have been met satisfactorily
C: The student is performing to a competent degree but has areas for improvement
D: The subject requirements have not been met fully
F: Subject requirements have not been met at all

Name: Scott Morrison

BordersScott’s performance has been very strong here. Some say too strong — there have been a number of complaints from members of the student body about Scott’s approach. Might serve to ease up a little and direct more effort elsewhere.A
QuarantineScott has been a big disappointment this year. He has had plenty of time to complete basic assignments but failed to produce anything for assessment. This has seriously affected the rest of his schoolwork.D
VaccinationsUnfortunately we will be requiring Scott to repeat this year. No feature of his work in Vaccinations has been of satisfactory quality, and his attitude has been consistently poor. This is not a subject in which night-before haste can make up for months of inactivity.F
Computer ScienceScott has talked a big game on his IT skills but has failed to achieve results to match the boasts. His major project, COVIDSafe, was unsatisfactory and he has yet to fix its numerous flaws.F
EconomicsWe’re happy with Scott’s effort, although some of his work has been sloppy at times and shows the influence of some of his mates from outside school. In danger of resting on his laurels.B
LeadershipDespite being school captain, Scott has failed to show the requisite leadership skills and effort. He appears to enjoy the recognition and status of the captaincy, without understanding it comes with responsibilities and hard work. Must do better.D

Overall Grade: D

Report Card: Scott Morrison