(Image: Private Media)

Grading criteria

A: All the requirements for the subject have been met to a highly satisfactory degree
B: Subject requirements have been met satisfactorily
C: The student is performing to a competent degree but has areas for improvement
D: The subject requirements have not been met fully
F: Subject requirements have not been met at all

Name: Mark McGowan

Subject Comment Grade
BordersMark’s favourite subject — he brings an enthusiasm and drive to this area that none of his peers can match, and effectively exploits his natural gifts.A
QuarantineIn what has been a disappointing year, Mark has scraped through with a bare pass mark. His efforts have shown little imagination and a tendency to rely too heavily on others, though he has avoided the worst errors of other students.D
VaccinationsWhile Mark’s performance has been passable, we feel he has been resting on his laurels. We hope he does not discover the cost of complacency as other members of the school body have.C
EconomicsMark has topped his year. Given his significant natural advantages, this is an expected result, but he continues to be underestimated by his peers.A
LeadershipDespite being an effective prefect, Mark appears unable to get along with other members of the school leadership. Preferring to keep to himself and quick to take offence, his is not a calming presence in the school. Nonetheless, it has proved very popular with segments of the school.B
ConductWhile Mark’s conduct has generally been of a high standard, he needs to remember when playing sport that competition does not necessarily have to lead to the total and utter annihilation of opponents.B

Overall Grade: B

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