The chords for the Dragon song are so off and an insult to musicians everywhere. I’m tired of Morrison’s gaslight… he’s more Tiny Tim than the late charismatic Marc Hunter.
The reviewer is a Sydney music veteran known to play the ukulele. They requested anonymity.
Commenting on the quality of the performance so misses the point. It’s more distraction, and any comment on it (yes, including mine now) plays into Morrison’s hands. Not talking about his lies, his incompetence, his religious mania, his disastrous political record, when we talk about this, are we?
And of course Morrison’s ukelele playing is nowhere near professional. Think of Dr. Johnson and his notorious remark quoted by James Boswell about a new phenomenon of his time, women preaching the gospel:
I told him I had been that morning at a meeting of the people called Quakers, where I had heard a woman preach. Johnson: “Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”
With Morrison, not only does his ukelele work bring to mind a dog walking on its hind legs, so does everything else he attempts as Prime Minister.
Agreed, this rendition is a shocker.
Nevertheless he plays the ukulele better than he plays Prime Minister.
The usual RWNJs & shoutjocks are trying to outdo each other in applauding 60Mins margarine spread in the most appalling manner as a ‘game changer’, ‘come-back’, etc and are especially oleaginous about Jen, his not-so-secret weapon.
A bit off when she claimed Ms Tame was rude at the photo-op at the Lodge for the side eye “…after we invited her into our home…”.
The Lodge it is the taxpayer accommodation for the PM, not intended as a family home anymore than was Kirribilli House when Hyacinth became ensconced there during the Rodent’s long reign of misrule.
In the 1950s the purpose of Kirribilli Housewas as a guest house for visiting VIPs, similar to Blair House in Washington, while provision was made for Prime Ministers to use it on visits to Sydney. It was Howard who converted it to a second residence for the PM , for the benefit of his family .
There was a suggestion that Mrs Howard would have preferred Admiralty House instead
Please! You’re right. He can’t play Uku. He can’t sing in tune. He can’t do his day job either. He’s totally useless!!
Just be glad that we were spared a duelling banjos ending with Fraudie or Dutton.
“Don’t quit your day job?” Hello! The man doesn’t do much in the way of his day job, he’s too busy gaslighting and rorting the country,
I for one can’t wait to see the back of him and the rest of his motley crew.