Here are the share prices of some of the biggest Western weapons manufacturers over the past month. All images from Google’s share price tracker.

And if you were wondering whether the invasion of Ukraine lifted these companies’ stocks out of the doldrums… no, they’ve had a great decade already…

I have always been saddened when watching news reports of fighting and murderous casualties in what can only be described as poor, backward or faled countries . invariably, the protagonists are using the latest weapons and they seem to have an unlimited supply of ammunition. Where does the wherewithal of these killing machines come from? Obviously they don’t appear out if thin air.
The same sources which are now financing the conversion of the national War Memorial into an interactive, defense Disneyland.
“Psssst! Wanna buy some F-35s?”
Capitalism being capitalism …… again!!
This is exactly how the system is meant to work. Lives do not matter, only profit matters.
The other Zimmerman said it well 60yrs ago
“I’ll follow your casket
By the pale afternoon
And I’ll watch while you’re lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I’ll stand over your grave
‘Til I’m sure that you’re dead.”