If you could change just one thing about Australia, what would it be?
Climate policy.
What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?
“You’re a Trump slut.”
What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
My kiddos, Arkie and Pearl.
Who or what do you see as the biggest threat to Australia?
Disinformation, conspiracy theories and the growing trust gap between the public and policymakers.
Which historical figure do you most admire and why?
Vida Goldstein. A brave woman, a disruptor who never stopped trying.
What would your final meal be?
Anything with my family around me.
Read more from Crikey’s Elect Me! series here.
Thank you for that short piece on Zoe, Josefine. From what I know of Zoe, she is a thoroughly decent, honest and sincere person. I live in Goldstein. We are extremely fortunate to have her as a candidate here. She can count on my vote, my wife’s vote and a number of my family members to support her candidacy. I am very happy to assist her campaign. With more people like her in Federal Parliament, Australia would be a much better place.
Agree wholeheartedly, will be doing the same in Goldstein.
Zoe, a strong, experienced investigative journalist, would be a strong Independent in parliament. Even though Independents are elected in individual electorates, they bring the benefits of independence to the whole parliament, and therefore to the wider population. It would be good to see someone like current member for Bass, Brigit Archer (Lib), who has shown she is prepared to stand up for principles and cross the floor, turn Independent. We’d all benefit. Go Zoe.
Hm… this is pretty pointless, isn’t it? It offers nothing of any relevance if you wanted to decide if you should vote for Daniels or not. Why not ask her about her admission of having voted for the Liberals in the past and what are her views on economics and social issues. Is the rising inequality and the erosion of human rights in Australia something she’s concerned about?
I’d assume the standard independent “social progressive and fiscal conservative” applies. A Tory, but too embarrassed to be to be seen as a Liberal.
Lightweight pap with no political content.
Compare Zoe with the miserable excuses the Liberal/NP coalition put up to contribute to the running of this country
Who would you rather?.