One thing we know for sure about Prime Minister Scott Morrison is that he loves to take photos of himself cooking curry and posting them to his social media. One thing we do not know for sure is whether the man actually cooks said curry, or if it’s all just a big publicity stunt. And Morrison’s Sunday night chicken korma post did absolutely nothing to clear this up.
Last night Morrison posted a photo of two dishes and some rice to his personal social media platform and captioned the image: “Nice to have a night at home. So curry it is. Sri Lankan Tamarind Eggplant and Okra Curry and a classic Chicken Korma. Strong Curry. Strong Economy. Stronger Future.”
Great way to shoehorn an election slogan into a family meal — except that punters were quick to point out that Jen and the girls had better have strong stomachs because it seems like Dad forgot to actually cook the chicken in the chicken korma.
Seriously, here’s a close-up.

The comments section on his Instagram page was full of quiet Australians urging the PM to not eat that chicken, lest he and his family contract salmonella, as well as accusing Morrison of just lathering semi-raw chicken in curry sauce for a photo-op.

And there were, of course, plenty of references to the infamous Engadine Maccas rumour (legend has it that Morrison once crapped himself there — it is my duty to inform you that this has never been proven).
The internet was, as ever, ready and willing to take the piss, including this “virgin vs chad” meme take.
And the Scott Morrison parody account actually just re-posted the PM’s post, word for word, image for image, because sometimes the truth is as funny as it gets.
It’s not the first time Morrison’s curry nights have come under the spotlight. Last year he cooked a massaman curry, allegedly using two cans of coconut milk, one can of coconut cream and potatoes, yet somehow managed to produce a massaman sadly lacking in any creaminess or potatoes.
And just last week his media team came under fire for seemingly, errr… slimming down the PM’s belly as he hovered over his colonial curry.
Look, obviously there are bigger, more important things going on in this election campaign than a bit of raw chicken, but if you can’t trust a man to cook his chicken thoroughly…
“The comments section on his Instagram page was full of quiet Australians urging the PM to not eat that chicken…”
That’s opposite to the urging I’d be tempted to offer, but never mind. And surely choosing to eat raw chicken is the god-given right of true freedom-loving Liberals, and let God sort out who gets to live or die in consequence. It’s no business of super-woke commie-socialist do-gooders to interfere.
(Does anyone at Crikey realise that when the above page is viewed on Windows the Instagram elements overlay and obscure the text, making some paragraphs of the page unreadable? This has happened before. The only way I could read this article was to block those specific elements using a handy feature of my ad-blocker add-on.)
“Look, obviously there are bigger, more important things going on in this election campaign than a bit of raw chicken, but if you can’t trust a man to cook his chicken thoroughly…” That is the whole point really isn’t it? Integrity has to be at the core of this election – without it no promises matter. I simply do not want our top public servant to mislead us about anything – including if he cooked a curry or not. What type of inherent character flaw must he have to feel that it is necessary to be deceptive about such a mundane thing and worst of all so arrogant to feel he is able to do so. There is of course much bigger issues but conduct such as this matters…..
At this stage, I’m gonna guess this is a deliberate dead cat moment. We’re talking about the curry-cooking skills of a politician instead of anything related to politics.
Yep, ‘Straya – grand ain’t it! Even better, Crikey’s content fillers get paid for such incisive articles.
This foul chook is not fit for purpose raw or cooked.
You two are just too clever by half :p
If Scotty thinks Korma is a strong curry, it probably explains his idea of a strong economy.