Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (Image: SOPA Images/Sipa USA/Valeria Ferraro)
Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (Image: SOPA Images/Sipa USA/Valeria Ferraro)

The thing to remember about diversity is that it’s automatically and unequivocally good, and requires no follow-up questions or critical thinking.

For example: if Serco is telling trans kids they can one day profit from enforcing government policies that cause children to self-harm in a safe and supportive environment, well, then Serco is good now! It really is just that simple.

Similarly, Italy — though there are some formalities still to come — has all but elected Giorgia Meloni as prime minister, the first time a woman has been elected to that office. Straight girlbossing, am I right? So why is the “pro-diversity” crew, always banging on about representation in other contexts, so silent about this win for women everywhere? Thus asks The Australian’s Adam Creighton — complete with the requisite dessert for any such banquet of smugness: “Wow really touched a nerve”.

He’s not the only really smart person making this extremely great point — former Liberal senator (that’s the party that got him elected, not his new party, the Australian Conservatives) Cory Bernardi and Rita Panahi were both baffled, just baffled, by the double standard. Even Hillary Clinton was moved to observe at the Venice International Film Festival earlier this month that “the election of the first woman prime minister in a country always represents a break with the past, and that is certainly a good thing”. 

Yeah, if you don’t support Meloni, it can only be because she fails your woke tests by being the leader of… Italy’s first far-right government since it fought on the wrong side of World War II. Yep, just because her party, the Brothers of Italy, morphed out of the remnants of a Nazi puppet government, use the same logo as the defunct neo-fascist group Italian Social Movement, campaigned under the Mussolini-era slogan “God, homeland, family”, and whose leader before Meloni once said “We are all heirs of Il Duce”, the so-called tolerant left is acting like her win might be a bad thing.

The fact that she campaigns against the “LGBT lobby” apparently out to destroy the family unit, and does a lot of suggestive talk about George Soros apparently financing “mass immigration” and a plan for “ethnic substitution”, is all it takes for the sisterhood to abandon one of their own, conveniently ignoring the fact that she has said she’s not a fascist.

It’s this kind of purity politics that turns people away from the left, frankly.