Independent MP Monique Ryan and staffer and activist Sally Rugg (Images: AAP/Sally Rugg)
Independent MP Monique Ryan and staffer and activist Sally Rugg (Images: AAP/Sally Rugg)

Teal MP Monique Ryan has been accused of trying to sack her chief of staff for refusing to work “unreasonable” hours.

The staffer, Sally Rugg, known as a leading advocate for marriage equality, is suing her boss and the Commonwealth for an alleged breach of the Fair Work Act’s “general protections” provisions.

Documents lodged with the Federal Court show Rugg is seeking to prevent Ryan from sacking her after a dispute about working hours. 

Rugg, who has only been in the role for about six months, claims the Commonwealth denied her right to refuse to work “additional hours that were unreasonable” and engaged in “hostile conduct in the workplace”. 

The sacking would have taken effect today, but Rugg is calling for an injunction to prevent her employment from being terminated. 

In the court documents, Rugg alleges Ryan was the “principal actor” in the allegations.

Ryan, an independent, was elected to the Victorian seat of Kooyong — previously held by former treasurer Josh Frydenberg — in 2022.

Rugg told The Sydney Morning Herald last year she had been drawn to Ryan after witnessing an impressive debate against Frydenberg: “What drew me to Monique was obviously the policy priorities — climate change, gender equity, integrity and transparency in politics — but also her approach as a grassroots, community-connected independent.”

The application was filed on January 25, and the first hearing in the case has been set for Thursday. 

Ryan’s office declined to comment, as did lawyers representing both sides.