Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (Image: AAP/James Ross)
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews (Image: AAP/James Ross)

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews today toasts 3000 days in the state’s top spot, making him officially eligible for a bronze replica.

But the premier told reporters at a press conference on Thursday he has no plans to celebrate the political milestone and no feelings towards being set in former premier Jeff Kennett’s 3000-day stone initiative.

“People who spend a lot of time talking about legacy usually spend not enough time actually building one,” Andrews said.

Kennett’s Liberal Party lost the 1999 election before he could clock the magic 3000. As Crikey previously reported, he never benefited from his own policy to stand as a bronze statue. The honour is now all Andrews’.

Kennett did not respond by deadline to Crikey’s request for comment.

Andrews is the fifth of 48 Victorian premiers to reach the 3000-day milestone, but says he cares little for it: “From my point of view, there’s no magic to that day.”

Andrews’ lack of inspiration has done little to quell the collective imagination, with Nine News drawing up plans for a masked Andrews, a hard-hat Andrews and a North Face jacket Andrews.

Crikey put questions to the premier about whether he would prefer to opt out of his bronze obligations, and if not, whether the premier would have a hand in its design.

A spokesperson from the Department of Premier and Cabinet told Crikey that “as a matter of practice” the department would provide a brief to government to initiate the statue’s commission after the premier had left office.

Crikey understands Andrews will be attending briefings, cabinet, cabinet subcommittees and stakeholder meetings today.