Barnaby Joyce
Barnaby Joyce (Image: AAP/Mick Tsikas)

Joyce of words We’re always delighted by Barnaby Joyce’s free-form jazz approach to language, and are pleased to see it on display in Tony Wright’s early review of the ABC’s Nemesis series. Nemesis details the rise and fall of the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison governments in much the same way The Killing Season did for Rudd-Gillard-Rudd.

At one point journalist Mark Willacy asks his interview subjects to describe Tony Abbott in one word. Most are able to stick to this parameter but not Joyce, who went with… I mean, technically it’s not a sentence: “pugilistic and give you a hug”. Whether he adds “the honesty of being to the top is something treasured when honestly given” — no, that’s not a typo — is not made clear.

Here come the young kings Just when you thought the Australian branch of the Conservative Political Action Committee had the loopiest pitch for young people, along comes the Australian Monarchist League (AML) and its youth branch.

If you’re one of the many 18- to 25-year-olds who saw Victoria cancel its plans to hold the Commonwealth Games last year and immediately thought “Was it because the king may attend his first Commonwealth Games? Would this have happened had it been the Chinese Games, if there was such a thing? These are all questions that must be asked and must be answered”, you might be in for a bit of a treat. The Victorian Young Monarchists are having an AGM on February 21.

If you’re one of the extremely real 18-year-olds who has been a financial member of the Victorian Young Monarchists, you can even stand for an executive position! Tubular!

O’Neil oh no Speaking of absolutely understanding young people, here’s Minister for Cyber Security Clare O’Neil’s fun list of ins and outs on young people hangout spot LinkedIn.

But… the logic of this meme format would imply the Minister for Cyber Security spent 2023 regularly clicking on links in texts and emails from unfamiliar services and posting private and sensitive information online.